Thirty-Two ~ Trust

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A/N: Anyone in the mood for angry Alex?
The gif above is for a scene later in this update and I'm like

"You boys have been awfully quiet," Mrs. Hughes muses as she continues driving.

"Have we?" I clear my throat, shifting my legs to get more comfortable in the tight-spaced backseat.

"Yes," Georgina giggles, turning back to look at us. "I know Tom Tom can be a babbling brook sometimes," she jokes, reaching back to tap his knee. "Why are you so quiet right now, huh?"

"M'just tired, Georgie."

"Do you not feel well, love?" Mrs. Hughes asks with worry clear in her voice.

"M'fine, Mum. Just tired is all."

Liar. He's guilty, not tired. Why did he read my answers? And which ones? I am livid right now.

"Maybe a nice steak with mash and gravy will help?" Georgina offers and Tommy nods in acknowledgment. "What about you, Alex? What are you going to eat?"

"Georgina, love, he's never been to the restaurant. He might want to look over the menu first."

"Oh, you're right, Mum. Silly me."

"It's okay, Georgina. You know me . . . I have a bottomless pit, so anything will be just fine."

My attempt to make her feel better seems to work since she's smiling and for a split second, I almost forget how mad I am at Tommy.

How could he do such a thing? He went behind my back and read my extremely personal answers. I thought I could trust him. Damn, I'm such a fool.

"We're here and lucky us, I found a spot right up front," Mrs. Hughes announces, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"W-wait right there, Georgina, uhm please," I say, scooting my bum to the edge of the seat.

"What for?"

"I'm going to come around and open the door for you," I wink at her and she blushes, covering her giggle with her hand.

As soon as Mrs. Hughes gets out, I push the seat forward and slide out. I walk around to the passenger's side, buttoning my suit coat and I open her door.

"Miss Hughes," I greet her with a smile, holding my hand out for hers.

"Why thank you, Mr. Rutherford," she grins, stepping out of the automobile and she immediately fixes her dress. "You coming in with us, Tom Tom, or are ya gonna eat in there?"

His answer is muffled as he climbs out of the backseat with a grunt and I keep eye contact with him as if I'm challenging him to a stare-down.

"I thought it would be busier since it's a Sunday night," Mrs. Hughes says, unknowingly breaking the tension. "Looks like we chose the right time to come."

"Like it was meant to be," Georgina sighs. "Right, Alex?"

"Yes, love," I reply, holding out my arm and she links hers through mine.

We make our way up to the double-door entry and we're greeted by an employee who opens the door for us.

"Evenin' and welcome to Sam's," he politely tips his hat. "Enjoy your meal."

"Thank you," Mrs. Hughes says as she walks inside first.

"After you, Georgina," I offer and she thanks me before stepping inside.

"Welcome and how many in your party?" the hostess asks.

"Four, and I'd like to request a table, please," Mrs. Hughes says and the hostess writes something down in her notebook before gathering some menus.

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