Fifty-Seven ~ Family

891 65 32

***Alex's POV

"That was fun."

"Mhm, it's always fun to play Dominoes with you, Georgina."

She blushes with a smile, tucking her hair behind her ear and we start picking up the pieces to put back into the wooden box. The thunderstorm hasn't subsided any and I'm glad I came up with the idea of playing the game to get her mind off of being scared.

As she closes the lid on the box, a loud crash of thunder rattles the house and she jumps, dropping the box and spilling all of the Domino pieces onto the rug.

"Oh my, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, love," I comfort her shoulder and she blows out a slow breath to calm her heart. "I'll help pick them up."

She thanks me and we get down on our knees in between the couch and the coffee table to pick up the scattered pieces. I notice one far across the rug and I reach over, unintentionally bumping my head on the edge of the coffee table.


"What happened?" Georgina worriedly asks. "Oh no, sweetheart, did you bump your noggin?"

"Yeah," I chuckle in embarrassment, moving to sit on my bum and I rub my temple.

Giving me a compassionate look, Georgina crawls over and stops in front of me. She cups my cheeks with both hands, bringing my head closer to her and she kisses the throbbing spot on my temple.

"There. Better?"

Hmm, I wonder if I just . . .

"I bumped right here, too," I point to my cheek and she rolls her eyes into a smile and she kisses my cheek. "Oh, and I bumped here."

Her eyes travel down to my lips where I'm pointing and she sighs with a smile, leaning up to kiss me.

It worked.

"All better now?"

"Yes, all better. Thank you, darling."

"You're welcome, sweetheart," she simply says, returning her attention to picking up the Domino pieces. "I'm not one to complain, as you well know, but I'll sure be glad when this storm passes already."

"Me, too," I agree, placing the last piece in the box. "But, wouldn't you say it's romantic, being home together while it's storming?"

She hums in thought, giving me the tiniest of smiles, "I guess so. I just hope the power-" the overhead light starts flickering and it goes out completely. "Oh Alex, I'm scared."

"It's okay, Georgina," I coo, wrapping my arms around her to hold her close. "I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you, okay?" she nods with an unsure expression and I kiss her forehead. "C'mon, let's go find the candles and matches. I think they're in a drawer in the kitchen, if I'm not mistaken."

After I stand up, I help her up and we make our way into the kitchen. The howling sound of the wind coming in through the windows is starting to give me the heebie-jeebies, but I remind myself that I can't let Georgina know.

I hope the storm passes soon for her sake. Hell, and mine.

Exhaling out my nerves, I rummage through the top drawer under the counter and smile in relief.

"See, love? I told you we were prepared. I think the power will come back on before it gets too dark, but it's nice to know we have them."

"Yeah," Georgina agrees, seeming to believe me.

"How about we set up the candles on the coffee table, just in case, then we can get nice and comfortable on the couch and watch the storm through the front window, yeah?"

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