Forty-One ~ Trapeze

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***Alex's POV

"That was the best meal I've ever had. The meatloaf was incredible, Mrs. Hughes, and the smashed potatoes were my favorite part," I glance over at Georgina who's sitting next to me at the table and I wink at her, knowing full-well that she prepared the dish.

"I'm really glad you liked them," she says, tucking her hair behind her ear. "And how'd you like the peas?"

"Oh uhm, I've never met a pea I didn't like," I jokingly say and she covers her laugh.

"What does that even mean, Al?"

"Oh lighten up, Thomas," Mrs. Hughes chides. "He was just being humorous."

"Yeah, he's extremely humorous," Georgina adds, fitting her eyes to mine. "I quite like your humor, Alex."

"Why thank you, love. It's nice to have others appreciate my humor, unlike some people," I dramatically incline my head toward Tommy, making Georgina giggle.

"Alright now, before this turns into a quarrel, will you boys clear the table? Georgina and I have to make sure she has everything ready for her graduation tomorrow."

Mrs. Hughes' words leave me stunned, almost to where I can't feel Georgina's sweet kiss on my cheek. I force a smile at her so she doesn't become worried and they finally leave the kitchen.

Oh my God. My darling is graduating high school, which means our courtship is gonna end soon. What if I ask her to stay here with me instead of going to university? No no no, I can't do that. She deserves more. But I'll miss her too much. Well shit.

"Earth to Alex," Tommy waves his hand in front of my face, making me flinch. "C'mon, Mum said lads with an S. That's plural, meaning me and you."

"I know what it means, you wanker, I just, never mind," I sigh, standing from my chair and I start piling the dirty plates together.

"You wanna wash and I'll dry?" Tommy asks and I mindlessly nod, walking over to the sink.

I put the stopper in the drain and turn on the faucet, reaching for the dish detergent. As the bubbles multiply, I feel a nudge in my side and I look to my right.

"What's up with you? You were so happy a few minutes ago," he points out and I exhale a breath, turning off the faucet. "Listen, I'm sorry I was spying on you two, alright?"

"I'm over that," I say as I begin scrubbing the first plate.

"Really?" he asks and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, I guess in the grand scheme of things, it's nothing to what I've just realized."

"Realized what?" he asks, taking the rinsed plate from me and he starts to dry it with a hand towel. "Does this realization have something to do with me?"

"No, not everything is about you, Mr. Ego," I reply, grabbing the next plate to wash.

"Fine. Is it Mum?"


"Is it Georgie?" he asks, taking the cleaned plate from my hand. I don't say anything, which I realize is worse than admitting to it and he gasps. "It is! So what did you realize about her? Wait a minute . . . you're not happy. You don't have that googly-eyed smile you always have when you talk about her. Oh Christ, please tell me you're not gonna end your courtship."

Huffing our a breath, I look at him in annoyance and hand him the pot that once held the most delicious smashed potatoes that my darling made.

"Believe me, it won't be me who ends the courtship."

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