Thirty-Seven ~ Cold

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"After you, love," I grin, holding the front door open.

"Thank you," she smiles up at me, slipping her hand from mine and she steps inside the house.

I wink at her and a deeply exhaled breath behind me captures my attention. I look back at Tommy and raise my eyebrows at him, silently warning him.

"I know, I know," he groans. "I can't say shit."

"At least you're learning," I sarcastically praise him, patting his back as he steps inside the house.

I walk inside and shut the door behind me, smiling at the fact that Georgina is waiting for me with the brightest smile.

"I have to complete my homework first, but would you care to play a game of Dominoes with me after supper?"

"I'd love to, Georgina. Say, I've got an idea. Would you like to do your homework in the living room and I'll get my workbook and we can do our work together right now?"

"That's a brill idea, Alex," she grins, clapping her hands in excitement.

"Alright then, here you go, love," I hand over her book bag to her and she smiles.

"Thank you," she stands up on her tiptoes and kisses my cheek.

"Have I mentioned how glad I am that your mum allows you to do that?"

"No, you haven't, but I'm glad, too."

I give her another wink just for the hell of it and I hurry upstairs to my bedroom. As I walk over to my dresser, I remember the note from my lunch sack and I take it out of my pocket to read.

Dearest Alex,

Words can't express how happy I am that you've asked me to enter a courtship with you. I've always dreamed of having a beau and now I can see why I've never had one before; it was because I was waiting for you.

I only hope I can make you as happy as you make me.

Have a lovely day at work.


My eyes begin to sting with tears and I blow out a breath, swiping my eyes with my thumb and index finger. I clear my throat, opening the top drawer of my dresser and I place it on top of the other notes from Georgina that I've kept over the past month, but this one is my favorite by far.

With a smile I can't control, I grab my workbook and pencil from my nightstand and head back downstairs. Neither Georgina or Tommy are in the living room and a noise coming from the kitchen captures my attention.

"Oh there you are," Georgina happily says, walking over to me with a glass of water. "I thought you might be thirsty."

"How thoughtful of you. Thank you. I'm quite parched actually," I bring the glass up to my lips and she grins. "Oh, and I just read your note from my lunch. I'm happy about our courtship, too."

"You are?"

"Of course I am."

The look on her face is priceless and it makes my heart skip a beat.

"Y'know, I wouldn't mind finding a note from you sometime," she nervously takes her bottom lip between her teeth.

"You wouldn't mind my terrible handwriting?"

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