Thirty-Nine ~ Anniversary

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Tommy: "Hey, Al, is there a small time jump in this chapter?"

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Tommy: "Hey, Al, is there a small time jump in this chapter?"

Alex: "I believe there is, mate."

Tommy: "Thank God cos I don't want to be on Restriction anymore."

Alex: "Oh I'm sure you'll do more dumb shit to be put back on Restriction in no time."

Tommy: "Language, Al, and the spit bucket's right over there."


"Have you got everything you need, love?"

Nodding in answer to Mrs. Hughes' question, I examine the items on the kitchen table and I exhale a breath.

"Think so, and thank you for your help with this surprise."

"Glad to help. It's a lovely idea that you came up with for Georgina. I know she'll appreciate it. Speaking of, if you're ready, I'll go take Thomas' spot of keeping her occupied so he can help you set up."

"Wonderful. Thank you."

Mrs. Hughes leaves the kitchen and I take my comb from my trousers' back pocket. I give my hair a few run-throughs to make sure it's presentable before tucking it back in my pocket and I pat my suit jacket's breast pocket. The crinkle of the folded notepaper makes me smile and the thought of Georgina's expression when I give her this special note makes the butterflies swarm in my stomach.

"Alright, I think that's everything," I say to myself and rushed footsteps capture my attention.

"What took you so bloody long, mate? She's about to burst through these walls with excitement," Tommy laughs at his exaggeration.

"I wanted to make sure everything is perfect. I'm gonna take everything outside now. Wanna help me set up?"

"Yeah, sure," Tommy replies, picking up the checkered blanket and I grab the small wicker basket from the table.

I open the back door and we walk outside to the backyard. It's a warm Summer Saturday afternoon with a nice breeze, just cool enough for me to lend my jacket to Georgina later.

Keeping the kitchen window in view, I choose a spot by the tree where the shade will stop the hot Summer sun from beating down on us and I nod to myself in approval.

This is perfect.

"Think she'll like all this?"

"Al, she'd like it if you gave her your used handkerchief," he jokes, handing me the blanket and I give him a look. "M'just saying Georgie's grateful for anything; she's not difficult to impress," he tries to explain and I roll my eyes. "So whatchyou got in the basket? Anything good?"

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