Eight ~ Lesson

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A few hours have passed since I caught Tommy and his beau snogging in the diner's loo and I still can't believe my eyes. While I see nothing wrong with their relationship, others could, and apparently have, and it could mean big trouble for them if anyone found out.

I know I'll keep my promise to not rat their relationship out to anyone because he's my best mate, hell, he's my only mate and I'm not going to do anything to risk our friendship.

I'm lucky to have met Tommy and his mum and sister. I don't know where I'd be if it weren't for their hospitality.

"Alex, are you doing okay in there? Have you tried on your new clothes yet?" Mrs. Hughes' voice sounds through the closed door of Virgil's bedroom and I tear my blank stare from the ceiling.

"Just a second," I grunt, sitting up in the bed and I walk over to open the door. "Hi, Mrs. Hughes."

"Hi, Alex," she greets me with an awkward yet kind smile. "I'm just checking to see if your new clothes fit. Do I need to exchange them for a different size?"

"No, they fit just swell."

"Splendid, and did you hang them up in the closet?" she asks almost as if she knows what my answer will be and I shake my head in shame. "And why is that?"

"Well, i-in all honesty, I don't know how long I'll be staying here a-and I-"

"Alex, listen to me now because I'm done repeating myself," she firmly says and I nod in half-respect and half-fear. "You can stay with us for as long as you need. You're my son's mate-"

"Best mate," I interrupt her, earning a small smile.

"You're my son's best mate, so I won't kick you out, as you've mentioned before. Do you understand, Alex?"

For the first time in a long time, I put my full trust in an authority figure and I feel a weight lifted from my shoulders.

"Yes, ma'am and thank you. I appreciate your generosity more than I can say."

"You're welcome. Now hang your clothes in the closet and meet me in the kitchen. We have a few things to discuss."

I gulp nervously, nodding my head in answer and she turns to walk away. I don't waste any time in doing what she ordered and as soon as I hang the five pairs of trousers and shirts in the closet and put the undergarments and socks in the dresser drawers, I make my way downstairs to the kitchen.

I can hear Georgina and Mrs. Hughes talking and I walk over to the wide entry way, distinctly clearing my throat.

"Have a seat at the table, Alex. Are you thirsty? Would you like some milk or water?"

"No thank you. Is there anything I can you help with?"

"Not really," Georgina curtly says. "Mum and I are preparing the vegetables for her world-famous Shepherd's pie."

"World-famous, hey?" I repeat in awe and she proudly nods. "That's quite impressive and with the meals I've eaten, I can believe it."

"Oh that's rubbish, Georgina. It's not world-famous," Mrs. Hughes rolls her eyes into a smile, "but I guess you can say it's Winchester-famous."

"Mum enters and wins the Winchester Cook-Off every year," Georgina adds. "I can't wait to enter my bread pudding this year."

"You cook?" I ask and it's clear that I've offended the lassie.

"Yes, I cook, Mr. Rutherford."

"Watch your tone, Georgina May."

"But Mum! He's talking to me like I'm a child and I'm not."

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