Twenty-Nine ~ Farewell

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"Chalk that pie up to my top ten favorite meals," Tommy announces, pushing back from the table and he untucks his shirttail from his trousers. "I liked the steak to kidney ratio this time."

"Really? You really liked it, Tom Tom?"

"Feel this," he points to his protruding belly and Georgina pokes it with her index finger.

"Oh my goodness, it's so full," she giggles, fitting her eyes to mine. "Looks like you're not the only one with a bottomless pit, right, Alex? How'd you like the pie?"

"I liked it very much, Georgina," I honestly say, smiling at the faint dusting of flour on her cheek and I clear my throat. "The uhm, crust was my favorite part."

Look at that smile. I'm gonna be Ace at this whole courtship thing. God, I can't wait to kiss her again. But why do I feel guilty?

"I think I need a year-long nap to sleep off this meal," Tommy says in jest.

"Might I suggest a rousing game of Dominoes before you begin your nap," Mrs. Hughes says.

"Hey that sounds like fun. I'll get the game!"

"After you wash the dishes," Mrs. Hughes slyly says, earning an unimpressed groan.

"Oh c'mon, Tommy. I'll help," I offer. "You wash, I'll dry, yeah?"

"Alright fine. Let's get cracking."


After the dishes are washed, dried and put away, all four of us have found ourselves comfortable in the living room with Tommy and I sat on the floor and Mrs. Hughes and Georgina on the couch, thanks to my brill idea of using the coffee table for the Domino pieces.

I've never played the game before, but I'm catching on quickly, thanks to the help of Georgina's simple explanation and a practice round. It's been a tad difficult to keep my composure when our fingers have brushed together when reaching for the same domino, and the blushed smiles from Georgina have let me know that those moves weren't exactly accidental.

Tommy was wrong; she's anything but an angel. I've got my work cut out for me. But why do I still feel guilty? Oh. Wait.

"So who won, Tom Tom?"

I glance over to my left and watch Tommy tally up the totals with the pencil and he sits up on his knees, clearing his throat.

"In a respectable fourth place, taking the world by storm in his first-ever Dominoes game, is Private Alex Rutherford. Let's give him a round of applause for a valiant effort."

"Thank you," I wave off their applause. "There isn't a consolation prize, is there?"

"Sure, Al, here ya go," Tommy pats my back and I cough my surprise, giving him the side eye. "Moving on. In third place with bragging rights of the most blocks in the game, is Miss Georgina May Hughes."

Her reaction to our applause is what I expected; a pretty pink blush covering her cheeks and a modest thank you prove to me that she has a humble spirit.

"And coming in second place, just one from the top spot in all its silver glory; give it up for yours truly, the man of the house, the dominator of dominoes, the gladiator of games, the-"

"Careful you don't fall over from your big head, Thomas."

"Would you kindly let me bask in my second-place glory, Mum?" he jokes and I pat his shoulder, shaking my head with a smile. "Continuing on," he dramatically clears his throat. "Last but definitely not least, coming at the top spot, as always, let's hear it for my mum and yours, Mrs. May Hughes."

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