Forty-Two ~ Fireworks

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A/N: The collage above is what they're wearing in this chapter 🤗 Don't the boys look so handsome?! 🤤

***Alex's POV

Words can't describe how proud I am of Georgina. Even with our courtship as somewhat of a distraction, she achieved her goal of maintaining her excellent grades and has graduated with the second highest honor.

My darling either aced or nearly aced all seven of her final exams and I'd like to think I had a part in her success since I was the one who quizzed her on the vocabulary words and Maths equations.

Our studying took a little longer than normal considering she'd ask for a hug to celebrate every right answer she'd give and a hug to console her when she'd answer incorrectly, but I wasn't about to complain.

Georgina's hard work has paid off and has been rewarded with a high school diploma.

As I sit with Mrs. Hughes and Tommy amongst the other proud family members in the bleachers, I can't contain my excitement as the Dean of Students wraps up his speech. Thankfully the evening weather has cooperated enough to have the ceremony on the track field and now that the sun is almost set, it's quite comfortable.

Hmm I wonder if Mrs. Hughes will allow me to kiss Georgina's cheek just this once. We can call it a graduation present.

"And congratulations, Class of 1944."

The audience erupts in applause at the Dean's closing statement and I join in the accolade, watching the newly-graduated class throw their mortar boards in the air. Multiple loud pops sound off from behind, taking me by surprise and I go into defense mode.

"Quick! Take cover!" I call out, turning to Mrs. Hughes and I shove her down between the bleachers to protect her with my body as a shield.

The smell of gunpowder is heavy in the air and I can hear the faint cry of my brothers' screams off in the distance. Within the madness of this attack, I feel the enemy's hands trying to pry me off to capture Mrs. Hughes, but I won't budge.

I can't let anything happen to her.

"Al! Alex, what the hell are you doing? Get off of Mum!"

Tommy's voice makes me open my eyes and I look at the gray steel beneath me and it's then I realize what I've done. With the loud popping sounds continuing overhead, I quickly move off of Mrs. Hughes and extend my hand to help her up.

Once we're sat on the bench, I look around to see everyone in the surrounding rows gawking at the scene I've just made.

"M'so sorry, Mrs. Hughes, I-"

"Shhh, it's okay, love," she coos, placing her hands on top of my shaky hands. "You're safe. I'm safe. We're not in any danger. It was just the fireworks display."

Exhaling a relieved breath at her words, I look around and thanks to Tommy, people have turned their attention away from me. Clearing my throat, I fix my suit coat that became disheveled in moving so quickly and I glance up at the pyrotechnic display in the sky.

Bright, colorful lights spread across the deep blue sky, leaving behind a trail of smoke and if it weren't for Georgina's graduation, I'd just want to go home.

"You alright, mate?" Tommy asks and I exhale a breath, fitting my eyes to his.

"Yeah. M'sorry."

"It's okay. The popping sounds, they scared you?"

"Y-yeah, I guess. Wasn't expecting them is all. Listen, why don't we go down to meet Georgina?"

"Alright, but you were talking like we were back in Fra-"

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