Twenty-Six ~ Giftwrap

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"That wasn't as painful as I thought it would be."

"Of course not," Tommy says as we make our way out of the bank. "I knew Mr. Hawthorne would fix you up. How's it feel to have some money to your name?"

"Pretty good, actually, like my feet are firmly on the ground, if that makes any sense."

"It doesn't at all, but as long as you're happy, so am I," he says and I nod with a smile. "Listen, mate, I want to make sure you know I was just teasing you about your cooking skills, or lack thereof, at breakfast."

His apology mixed with another dig at me makes me smile because I realize his teasing is that of a best mate, but I decide to milk this situation.

Let's see how he likes being teased.

"I really did try my best. I just wanted to thank you, your mum and sister for all that you've done for me; for selflessly taking me in and giving me a second chance at life." His remorseful expression makes it difficult to hide my smirk and I give him a shove in his arm. "Gotcha! Although what I said is true, I was just trying to earn sympathy."

"You wanker!" he shoves my arm in retaliation. "You had me feeling bloody awful."

"Now we're even," I smile smugly, glancing across the street. "Hey, let's go in there."

Tommy looks over to where I'm pointing and he snickers.

"Lee's Department Store? Why do you want to go in there?"

"I owe your mum a new glass for the one that I broke."

"Naw, don't bother, she has a whole cupboardful of those things."

"I have to make it right, Tommy. I already checked the table; thankfully I didn't break it. I don't even want to know how much money that would be to replace."

"Ugh, fine, but next time you're upset, just throw a pillow."

Rolling my eyes into a smile, I open the door to the department store and we walk inside. From the pristine displays of the household items to the clean, shiny floors, I can tell this place is going to be pricey and I hope my paycheck will be enough.

It looks like they charge just for breathing in here.

"May I help you gentlemen?" an older lady greets us and I politely tip my head at her.

"Yes, ma'am, I'm looking for a drinking glass, oh about yea big."

My hand measurements seem to do the trick and she nods, instructing us to follow her. We round the corner and head down an aisle with more glassware than I ever thought existed.

"Here we are. Which one strikes your fancy, or are you looking for something specific?"

"Hmm, I don't quite remember what it looked like. Do you, Tommy?"

"Hell if I know," he says and I elbow him in the side, inclining my head to the saleswoman. "Oh, m'sorry, ma'am."

I roll my eyes in frustration, refocusing on my task at hand. With all the options staring at me in the face, I'm afraid that I'll pick a glass that won't match Mrs. Hughes' existing set or worse, one that she won't like.

And then I see it.

"Hey, this looks familiar," I reach out and carefully take the glass from its spot on the shelf. "I think this could work. Don't you, Tommy?"

"Yeah, sure."

With his half-enthusiastic agreement, I huff out a breath and smile at the saleswoman.

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