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Young Tyler Robert Joseph, only at 12 years old, was whistling the tune from "Kill Bill". He menacingly walked through the dark hallways of his house at 2 am while his entire family was still asleep, not having any clue their mysterious son was going to do something so dark, so sinister, something they wouldn't expect their first-born to do. 

While walking through the halls, he had a sharp chef's knife in his right hand while he dragged it on the walls quietly. It was a quiet, chilly first day of September, so the best way to celebrate the first day of September and Fall, (his favorite season) was to do a little spree of quiet killing, right?

He'd watch the movies. He'd seen the TV shows. He'd watch the documentaries. He'd do the research and reading. Tyler was quite the bright boy. He was ready and prepared.

Close to his front door, he quietly opened it. Now his house is a little old, so literally every door in his house creaks just slightly. And when he opened it, he tried his dearest best to do it so quietly it wouldn't. But just his luck, it did. He prayed his family didn't hear him, he paused and slowly looked upstairs, shining his small flashlight to where he was looking. Luckily, he didn't hear anything so he proceeded to go out and close his door.

He took a deep breath and shivered a little when the cool air hit his face. Tyler jumped off his stairs and ran to his sidewalk near his friend's house. 

"Where to start?" He deeply chuckled. Immediately, his neighbor's annoying dog came to mind. He always hated him. He had a deep hatred for him. He loved dogs, but Buster was just too.. much for him. So he picked up his feet and ran faster than ever to the house down the street.

Tyler panted and took out the chef's knife from his jacket and grinned widely, now to jump over the fence.

For some reason, his neighbor always left him outside but he was all cozy and tucked in his hut with a little door. So he was fine.

But not for long.

He glanced at his knife and gave himself a spine-tingling smile, huffing.

The 12 year old quietly opened Buster's door and turned on the little light by the side. He's just a dog, Jesus Christ. Why does he need all this stuff? The boy thought.

This immediately woke the dog up. He growled at Tyler because he knew he was creepy and had a dark side. He was about to bark but stopped when Tyler laid the knife on the dog's back.

"Hush, boy. This'll be quick."


"And we just don't know what happened! When we woke up, we checked on him 'cause that's what we do every morning, and he was just.. gone. The only thing left," Mrs. Jimenez took out a yellow sticky note that had the symbol '|-/' on it. "was this. And we have no idea what it means."

Chris and Kelly sighed. "We'll get back to you if we ever see him, alright?" 

Mr. and Mrs. Jimenez nodded and walked out. 

"Mom, what happened to her?"  Zack asked while coming out from the living room.

"You know that short lady down the street, the one with the dog?"

Zack looked at her, puzzled, like he had no idea what Kelly was talking about. She took a deep breath and threw her head back. 

"The one... who chased you down the street?"

Zack shot up. "Oh, yeah! What happened? Did something bad happen?"

"Well, their dog is missing. No one knows what happened."

Tyler was sitting down in their dining room, examining the same knife he used to cut and slaughter Buster. 

No one knows what happened.

Murder/mysterious Tyler! I hope you all like this new book!

Also please don't get the wrong idea. I love Tyler and animals so it is never my intention to seem like I don't and I support animal cruelty, cause I don't. So please don't get the wrong idea. It is never my intention to offend to hurt any of you all. Stay safe guys. |-/

Fucked Up Heart // Tyler Joseph + Jenna BlackWhere stories live. Discover now