26. Fucked Up Heart

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Song I associate with this chapter:
Ride by Lana Del Rey

DISCLAIMER: This draft was way written before Melanie was accused of rape. And so are the other drafts. I no longer like Melanie but I gotta keep the story going. So please do not think I'm a Melanie supporter because I'm not + I do not stand by her actions. It was 2 months ago so let's get over it. Still enjoy the fanfic though.

Tyler woke up around 6 am to see small sunlight already entering his darkly dimmed room. He felt his head harshly banging and he threw his head back, lying there for a while then it stopped.

He tried to sit up, but looked down to see Melanie's arms wrapped around his torso and his arms wrapped around her, as well.

His mouth slowly turned agape and he furrows his eyebrows in confusion, scanning his bedroom to find any clues from last night. Memories, soon came flowing into his head and he threw it back, inhaling deeply.

They had sex.

His twists and turns accidentally woke Melanie up and her bug eyed eyes look cutely up at Tyler, and he glances down at her.

"Um.. hey."

"Hey." She mumbles.

They lie in silence for a while until Melanie takes a deep breath and yawns.

"Did we..?"
"Yeah, we did.."


"And it was your first time?"

He's blankly looking out in front with his arms still wrapped around Melanie, and he brushes his thumb against her back.

"Did it hurt? The first time always hurts."

She sits in silence, but then speaks up.
"It did, but after a while it felt good."

He nods and bites his lip. "I didn't use protection."

"I know, but who gives a fuck anyways, right?" Melanie jokes.

He chuckles and brushes his hand through his hair, and the girl's grip around his torso becomes tighter.

"In my second drawer, I think there's a lighter and a pack of cigarettes in there. Can you get one?"

She releases from his sweaty and warm body, turns over to the edge of the bed and leans over to his drawer and takes the following out. She groans and shuts his drawer, then turning over to Tyler's side.

She hands him the cigarette and takes one out for herself. He places it in his mouth and lights it up, then Melanie places hers in her mouth and he leans over to light it for her.

She rests her head on his rising chest and blows out smoke and so does he.

"Was I too harsh on you? Did it really hurt?"

"It was okay, I don't know," She mumbles while glancing down at his chest, her cigarette ash inches apart.

"'I don't know' isn't a valid answer, Mel. Come on, tell me. I was your first."

Melanie shoots up and places the drag back in her mouth and brushes out some of her hair from her face. "You were gentle, and easy. And yes, it hurt the first two times you went in but then it felt really good."

He sighs and shakes his head. "I'm just glad that nothing is weird between us. It also felt good to me, but I should know."

She nodded, closing her eyes. "Yeah. You were definitely experienced yet I'm glad you didn't go rough. That was really scary, including our little talk."

Fucked Up Heart // Tyler Joseph + Jenna BlackWhere stories live. Discover now