4. Fucked Up Heart

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Song I associate with this chapter:
Hurricane by Halsey

The two out of control teenagers finally reached Columbus around 11pm, delayed because they stopped at McDonald's, 7/11 for slurpees, then going to Target to look for Polaroid cameras.

Melanie found a really good one and surprisingly they had enough money, don't know how, the camera was only 45 dollars.

They bought the camera and bought extra film so they could take pictures on their journey.

Tyler stopped infront of the Target and sat down on the stairs, Melanie sitting beside him and watching the boy open the camera and open the film, putting it inside the back of the camera.

While Melanie was watching, she grinned as she looked at Tyler. For some reason, she had heart eyes for him, but she didn't feel it.

"It's ready!" He beamed and Melanie quickly shot up.

"Okay, let's go!"

They threw their trash on the ground and continued running but Melanie stopped once she found a really nice park filled with a bunch of flowers. Even though it was 10pm, she pulled Tyler and found a good spot filled with daisies.

She sat down and took out her lighter and cigarette, lighting it up. This gave Tyler a really good chance to take a picture and he did.

Melanie took out her cigarette and inhaled, puffing out smoke from her nostrils while she glanced at Tyler.

The picture came out and he flapped it so it can dry. Once it did and the picture was clear, he gave it to Melanie so she could see.

She smiled wide and grinned. "It's perfect."

Tyler thought of another idea, he took her hand and grabbed a daisy, placing her cigarette in between her index and middle finger and the daisy in the palm of her hand.

He shot a picture and smiled once it came out.

"You have nice photography skills." She cooed and Tyler grinned back.

He checked the time on his phone and gasped. "Let's get going."


Tyler dropped off Melanie and he took out his key and walked inside. He saw his parents sitting on the dining table, his mom holding her head in her hands and his dad gently poking Kelly gesturing Tyler in the doorway.

"Tyler, my baby, where have you been?" She sobbed and ran up to him to tightly hug him.

"Mom, I'm fine, I'm here now." He hugged her back and stroked his weeping mother's hair gently.

Kelly sniffs and nods. "Alright, you're here so that's all that matters. Food is on the table, take whenever you're ready."

He nodded and smiled, running up the stairs to his room.

The tired boy threw his bookbag harshly on the floor and groaned, rubbing his face and steadily walking towards his bed.

He threw himself on the bed and sighed, taking out his phone and going to his text messages.

Josh: You back yet?

He glanced at the time. It was almost 1 am.

Tyler: Yeah I'm home just chilling.

Josh: Okay good, I was getting really worried cause Crybaby wouldn't answer my text messages.

Josh: Oh hold up, I just got a text

Tyler did too and he pressed the notification.

Crybaby 🚬🍼 added you into a groupchat.

Fucked Up Heart // Tyler Joseph + Jenna BlackWhere stories live. Discover now