2. Fucked Up Heart

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Song I associate with this chapter:
Semi-Automatic by Twenty One Pilots

The trio walked out of the school and Tyler stuffed his hands in his pocket.

"So, where do you all want to go?" Josh spoke up. Melanie with her small self compared to the two boys was in the middle and all of them looked at one each other.

"I don't know. Maybe the park? We need to catch up on soo many things." Melanie spoke up and all of them agreed.

They all walked to the park and Tyler noticed Jenna climbing on a pastel-blue colored bike and this made him actually smile. Melanie noticed him again and she grinned.

He rolled his eyes at her and they finally reached the park. They walked to their infamous spot, but first Melanie wanted to ride on the swings and luckily there were three so they all went on it.

They all slowly swung so they can talk.

"So.. did you two.. you know?" Josh quietly whispered and leaned in.

Josh found out about their dark secret and psychotic ways not too long ago, just about 5 months ago but he was okay with it. He swore he wouldn't tell anyone, Melanie and Tyler telling him. Yes, he was taken aback and had to have a little time to himself to comprehend what was happening but he got a hold of himself and they're still friends.

"Yeah, we did a few times this summer." Melanie glanced at Tyler and winked.

He smiled back. "Yeah, and it was great. I got a new restock of knives, they're pretty sick."

Melanie rolled her eyes and crossed her arms at the sound of Tyler's new collection.

"What's wrong with the little one?" Josh noticed at her immediate change in mood.

"They're all rainbow holographic, Melanie really likes them and she can't have, or touch, any of them. If she does, well, let's just hope she doesn't."

Melanie gasped and looked up at Tyler, a goofy smile spread across his lips. "That's a threat, what the fuck Tyler!"

He ignored her and continued to tell Josh all about his new knives. "I learned some awesome new tricks with them. Remember that trick with my pocketknife I was trying to do all this time?"

Josh nodded, weirdly intrigued and closely listening. Melanie became irritated and tried to block out the two boys considering all they were talking about were knives that she couldn't have and other uninteresting stuff.

"Well, I finally did it! I swear man, you need to see it in person, it's sick."

"What! That's awesome dude!" Josh leaned in to high-five him.

Then before they knew it, Melanie started to break out into a cry, attracting looks from bystanders.

"Melanie..! No, no, shhh!"

But the girl didn't listen. She continued to cry and scream, Josh and Tyler just shooting glances at each other not knowing what to do.

One idiosyncratic about the peculiar girl is that she was unhealthily emotional. The littlest thing would instantly upset her, and she couldn't handle minuscule jokes even if they weren't directed towards her. She's been oddly big-hearted ever since she was little, giving her the title of 'Crybaby.' Melanie cried often, and Josh and Tyler were forced to live with it.

They both sighed and Tyler picked up Melanie by her hand. They ran, strangers around them giving eldritch looks. Josh, behind them felt ultimately weird by Melanie's loud sniffling, but at least she was calming down.

Fucked Up Heart // Tyler Joseph + Jenna BlackWhere stories live. Discover now