9. Fucked Up Heart

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Baby Boy💀🔪: So.. tattoo today?

Josh gasped and stared at Melanie.

"What? Can I see?" She reached out for Josh but the man concentrating on applying the colorful ink to her skin pulled her down. "Don't move."

Josh sighed and started typing.

Crybaby🚬🍼: Um.. yeah.

Crybaby🚬🍼: This is Josh by the way. Melanie is getting her tattoo right now.

Baby Boy💀🔪: How's she doing? Can I see?

Crybaby🚬🍼: -video attached-

Tyler opened the video and smiled when he saw Melanie beaming. She'd been waiting for this since forever and just seeing that she's finally getting what she'd been wanting all along made Tyler grin until his face hurt.

Baby Boy💀🔪: She looks so happy, I'm glad.

Crybaby🚬🍼: Yeah.

Baby Boy💀🔪: Can we talk, please? Do you have your phone?

Josh set down Melanie's phone and took out his, going to his messages and to Tyler's contact.

Josh: What?

Tyler: Okay. Dude, look.

Tyler: I'm in the hospital.

Josh: What?! Are you okay?! What happened?!

Tyler: Don't worry I'm okay.. my friend Brendon is picking me up in an hour. They're discharging me today.

Josh: Okay, good... but what happened?!

Tyler: I went to his place cause I was feeling... down. God, I'm a fucking idiot. I don't know why I hurt Melanie, if she even wants to talk to me, I miss her, I miss you, and I don't know what's wrong with me.

Josh: Nothing is wrong with you, Tyler. It was stupid for you to lash out on Melanie, you and me have to admit that, but there's nothing wrong with you.

Josh: You have a fucked up heart and you need to embrace that cause it makes you super cool and more fun to be around with.

Josh: You're still my best friend. 4 years running and I'm not changing or breaking that. No matter what you do.

Tyler: Josh.. thanks.

Tyler: Should I apologize to Jenna? I feel super bad, and I really didn't mean to scare her.

Yes he did.

Josh: That'll be the smarter thing to do.

Tyler: Josh, really, thanks. You've helped me through so much shit and I don't know where to begin.

Josh: How about apologizing to Melanie first?

Josh: You guys have been best friends since first grade, do you want to ruin that?

Tyler sighed and tapped his fingernails on his screen.

Tyler: No. She's like a sister to me, and I love her so much, I don't want her to get hurt, not even by me.

Josh: You're strong, Tyler. You need to know that Crybaby is weak and you know her, you need to be careful.

Tyler: I know.

Tyler: When are you guys going?

Josh: She's almost done.

Josh peeked over his phone and looked at Melanie. "How you doing?"

Fucked Up Heart // Tyler Joseph + Jenna BlackWhere stories live. Discover now