20. Fucked Up Heart

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⚠️ TW: RAPE ⚠️

Jenna's blue eyes slowly opened and she held her head as it was pounding that she couldn't focus properly when she opened her eyes. She looked around her surroundings to see that she was in a dark room and she felt the ground she was laying on. It was very cold and she was freezing. Her eyes were a little stuffy and it took about 20 seconds for her to regain vision.

That's when she looked down to see that she was bare. Bare in her underwear and bra and freezing. She didn't even know where she was; the last thing she remembers is being at the motel with Tyler.

"Tyler?" Jenna called out, thinking him and her were in the same place, but then she realized the fight they had and her storming out. Her heart dropped to her stomach instantly. "Where am I?" She mumbled, sitting up.

"You're awake!"
Jenna looked around to see where that squeak came from and she took a double take to her right to see Poppy jump out from a seat and run towards her, carrying a bag of clothes.

Poppy threw the bag at Jenna and it landed in her lap. "M wants you to go put that on."

She untied the bag and took out the specific clothes this 'M' person was telling her to wear. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked up at Poppy.

"We all gotta wear it."

"So why aren't you?"

Poppy sighed happily, did a slight twirl and clasped her hands together. "Because M likes me more."

Jenna stuttered, her eyes would squinch. "Who's "M?""

"You'll find out!"

"Er.. okay.. but why am I not wearing any clothes?"

Poppy quickly glanced at Jenna and then back at where she was staring, a corner in the room.

"I don't even remember what happened.." Jenna sighed and held her head in her left hand.

An awkward silence filled the room and soon Poppy started to walk out.

"Where are you going?"

"Just tell me when you're finished, because you gotta change. And you have 5 minutes."

"Why do I have five minutes, and why do I have to change?"

Poppy turned on her heel and glared at Jenna, shooting her an icy stare. Jenna raised her arms and slowly stood up.

She walked out and closed the door, leaving Jenna alone. She looked around for somewhere to change and realizing she had no privacy because the door could randomly open at any time and there was no bathroom, no private changing room or whatever, the only thing to do was to change in the center.

She looked around for a mirror because she didn't even know what the hell she was wearing. She found one in the corner and steadily walked towards it.

Astonished with her fit and how she looked, gasped when she examined herself for the first time in 24 hours. She forgot all about her bruises, and she swore she saw even more.

Jenna became dizzy and she was about to fall until someone opened the door. She stumbled back and regained her balance to face the person who was at the door.

"Uh, hi."

Jenna blinked about a few times and dropped her mouth.

Lynn sighed and rocked back and forth on her heels, swinging her arms too in the same motion. "Yep. It's been so long, right?"

Her hair was still the same as it was 5 months ago, platinum and grew a little bit, her same androgynous self.

Jenna crossed her arms and furrowed her eyebrows. Lynn Gunnulfsen was the same person who lured her from the party 5 months ago. She was obviously still furious. "I hope you don't think I don't remember."

Fucked Up Heart // Tyler Joseph + Jenna BlackWhere stories live. Discover now