14. Fucked Up Heart

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⚠️ TW: Attempted suicide & self harm⚠️

Song I associate with this chapter:
Hopeless by Halsey

Josh: Uh, what happened to Crybaby? She's not answering.

Tyler: Um.. a lot of stuff happened.

Josh: What happened?

Tyler looked up at Jenna who was in front of him and doing her homework while wincing every 2 seconds because of her bruises on her stomach which weren't really healing, and Tyler made it worse when he accidentally touched one.

Tyler: Can I speak later? I'm w someone.

Josh: Oh my bad, ttyl

Tyler: Ew don't use 'ttyl'

Josh: Fuck you

Tyler: Love you too

He sighed and stared at Jenna. "J, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"No you're not."

She glared at him and he scooted closer to her and lifted up her shirt a little.

"They look bad.. really bad," He looked up at her and frowned. "And your dad did this?"

She nodded and furrowed her eyebrows sadly.

Tyler pulled down her shirt and she fixed it. "I'm sorry."

"Can you stop saying that? It's not your fault." She rolled her eyes and continued to her homework.

"Whatever. Speaking of your homework.. Mr. Bryant said you need to come to school tomorrow, or that's it."

Jenna's head quickly shot up and her eyes popped out of her sockets. "W-What?"

"Yeah.." Tyler noticed her hands and entire body were shaking. "Are.. you okay, J?"

"No.. No, Tyler, I need to stay here, please."

"Why?" He was getting worried, seeing her shaking and fearful.

"My dad is going to kill me if he found out I wasn't going to school, please Tyler." Her hands were gripped on Tyler's arms.

"You said that when you told me the first time."

"I know but he never found out, this time he actually will, and that's not just exaggerating."

Tyler stared at her again. He couldn't help but to feel an immense amount of guilt and sadness for Jenna; she was hopeless, she had no where to go, and she wasn't getting any help.

"Please, Tyler." She pleaded. Tears were already streaming down her cheeks.

"Okay, J. You're okay. I'll make sure your father doesn't find out. But you need to go to school tomorrow."

She nodded quickly and gulped. "Yeah, whatever, I will. Thank you."

She paused and stared at Tyler again. "My.."

Tyler slapped his forehead and groaned. "Right.. hey, I have an idea!"

Jenna tilted her head. "What is it?"

"I can quickly, um, go into the bathroom and see if my mom has any foundation in her dumb little makeup bag? See if she might have any that might match your skintone? We can cover up your bruises so no one at school suspects anything!"

She began to grin widely, her face heating up. It was so thoughtful and nice of Tyler to suggest something like that to help her; she would have never came up with that. Nor ever thought it would have been Tyler Joseph, the quiet boy in her classes, that she could trust with her secret. And the boy she was starting to get a crush on.

Fucked Up Heart // Tyler Joseph + Jenna BlackWhere stories live. Discover now