3. Fucked Up Heart

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Song I associate with this chapter:
Roman Holiday by Halsey

Both of the rebellious teens went out to the back of the school instead and when they finally went outside, they looked at each other and started laughing for absolutely no reason; almost manically. Together, they locked hands and ran faster than they ever could to a nearby alleyway both of them knew by heart.

They both looked around for Melanie to take out a pack of cigarettes from her back pocket. Tyler took out his own lighter which was a color of dark blue and so did Melanie, pink with a bunch of baby inspired doodles.

She took out two, throwing one to Tyler and he caught up flawlessly. They both lit both theirs up and Tyler pulled away, blowing out the smoke and Melanie did too but from her nostrils.

He leaned back on the wall behind him and twirled the cigarette in between his index and middle finger.

"So.." he started and she looked up at him, placing hers in her mouth and closing her lips.

"You and Ashley?"

Melanie groaned as a response and rolled her eyes, looking around and picking up a rock, throwing at him.

She took away the cigarette from her mouth and puffed out some smoke. "Can you shut up? I don't like her. We're just friends."

"The other day you were kissing her ass, talking about," he cleared his throat and locked his hands together. "'She's so pretty, her hair is beautiful, she's so cool, I just wanna fuck her!' shit like that."

Melanie gasped. On the verge of becoming emotional, she pushed her bottom lip further into her mouth and crossed her arms petulantly.

Tyler bit his lip and ran towards her. "No, no shh, I'm sorry, don't start." he comforted her.

"Yeah she's cool and all, and can't a girl compliment another girl?" She wiped her eyes and punched Tyler in the stomach harshly which made him back away.

"I guess." He sighed and walked towards the wall and brought his cigarette to his mouth but stopped.

"Mines blew out."

She threw him another one and Tyler grinned. "Thanks."

10 minutes had passed and they were laughing and sitting down on the concrete in front of each other. The ten minutes included both of them sharing jokes and the thought of heading back to their school wasn't an occurrence in their minds.

A small clutter from deep in the alleyway, they turned their heads to see a man, probably in his early 30's but looking as if he was in his 50's, walking without business. He appeared harmless, but as soon as he saw Melanie the speed of his walk became faster. Tyler tensed up and slowly stood up and so did Melanie.

"Um, Ty.." Melanie nervously started. "We should go back to school."

They ruminated on walking away, and was nearly about to, but the anonymous man had already placed a grip on Melanie's arm. His touch was cold, menacing, and uncomfortable.

Twirling her around, he eyed her up and down with his grimacing eyes. She tugged at her shirt, sending Tyler a look that asked him to step in for help.

Tyler clutched his fists and placed his hand on the man's shoulder. "Hey, back away from her."

The man turned his head and pushed Tyler down roughly, then he looked back at Melanie and brushed the back of his hand on Melanie's cheek. She furrowed her eyebrows and stared up at the man, Tyler noticing this and quickly getting back up.

He placed his hand on her throat and smiled. "You're so pretty."

"Leave her alone, man!"

"Shut up!" He growled and wrapped his arms around Melanie's waist and started to pull her and run away from Tyler.

Fucked Up Heart // Tyler Joseph + Jenna BlackWhere stories live. Discover now