12. Fucked Up Heart

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Tyler didn't see Jenna at school the day after again.

Tyler: Where are you?

Jenna: Umm I'm at home

Tyler: Okay but are you feeling well?

Jenna: My cheek really hurts and my lip is bruised but my eye is healing.

Tyler: I'm sorry

Jenna: Don't be. It's not your fault.

No matter how many times Jenna said that, Tyler still felt at fault because of his actions. He didn't know Jenna was being abused, so now he didn't mean to scare her.

Ok. Maybe he did. He loved seeing people in pain. He was sadistic and he enjoyed it.

But not Jenna.

"Where were you guys yesterday?" Josh asked.

Tyler and Melanie shot each other a nervous glance. "Uh, we just went to go see someone."

Josh knew they were lying but he brushed it off. "Okay.. um.. hey I have some great news for you both!"

He stopped infront of Tyler and Melanie. "What?" Melanie was grinning and bouncing and Tyler was blank.

"Me and Debby are going out! We've been talking for a while and.. I guess we hung out and well, you know." He smiled from ear to ear.

Melanie stopped bouncing and furrowed her eyebrows. "Wait.. Debby and you are dating?"

Josh was still smiling, not noticing the girl was upset. "Yeah, she's really cool and I really.. really like her."

"That's great man, congrats." Tyler was radiant and high-fived him.

Melanie ran past the boys and into the school.
"Melanie, what?"

Tyler and Josh looked at each other. "What's wrong with Crybaby?"

Josh shrugged. "I don't know.. should we go and find her?"

Tyler was about to speak but the bell rang. "See you at lunch, I guess.." They both walked off into their separate ways.

"Welcome class to health. You already know the drill, I explained it to you last week. Take out your health notebooks and start reading from page 167-180 and answer the questions on each page using another sheet of paper. You have until the end of class, get started!"

Tyler flipped his page to the desired spot his teacher assigned him to go to.

Really? A whole lesson on domestic and physical abuse? Now that's just ironic.

Tyler started to read but it was too hard. It's like they were flawlessly describing Jenna's life.

Natalie grew up in a abusive household, her father always sexually abused her mother to the point until she died.

Then, it traced to Natalie. When she was 12, her father performed sexual abuse and rape on her for the first time. No matter how much she pleaded and always told him to stop from those 12 years, it progressively got worse when she grew up.

When she turned 17, her father physically abused her for the first time, leaving Natalie a result of bruises (see health encyclopedia at back of book for correct term).
When she went back to school, she didn't bother to tell anyone what happened.

She told her best friend, Marina, but she called her an 'attention seeker' and a liar.

Tyler's eyes started burning and so did his throat. He gulped and continued.

Fucked Up Heart // Tyler Joseph + Jenna BlackWhere stories live. Discover now