1. Fucked Up Heart

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Song I associate with this chapter:
Gangsta by Kehlani
DISCLAIMER: This book was written before the Melanie Martinez rape allegations.

"What a ride!"

Tyler Joseph, now 17 and starting 12th grade only tomorrow was with one of his best childhood friends, Melanie Martinez. Since he was starting school tomorrow, he thought the best way to finish the last day of summer was to do a little stealing spree. Basically, both of them would break into a store late at night and take some stuff, like every other criminal.

They were amateurs. They know at least a few people saw them, and they didn't care. They had a whole load of money, for god's sake!

"How many we got, Mel?" He asked while dodging cars and speeding 10 times faster than the average speed limit.

"Don't know. Maybe around 200 or something." She replied.

"Perfect." He smirked.

"Hey, can you drop me off? My parents have been getting suspicious that they started to check on me every hour, and it's almost 1 am, so I really need to get to bed."

"Oh, yeah sure. We're here anyways."

"Thanks, Ty. See you tomorrow."

She took half of the money and leaving some rest for him. This girl was spontaneous, she knew everything. She was quick and fast, and goodness, how did she jump over her fence so fast and quickly went up to her window acting as if it was a rock? Tyler sighed and smiled and continued to drive.

He pulled up to his driveway, expecting to see his parents' car. Luckily, his parents weren't home, so obviously his siblings were asleep. He quietly prayed and walked inside, shoving the money in his pocket from his jacket.

The boy went out the back door and walked up his stairs. Running to his room he instantly shut his door and turned on his light.

"Alright! 100 dollars!" He cheered.

He took off his sweater and undressed, only being left in his boxers. He was fairly tired so he decided to watch serial killer documentaries until he got sleepy.

Tyler fell asleep around 3am, his favorite time.


"Tyler! Ty, wake up, it's time for school!" A loud and high voice pierced in Tyler's ear.

"What?" He fluttered his eyes open to see his little sister Maddy on top of him, bouncing enthusiastically.

"Maddy, get off of me!" He roughly pushed her off.

"What time is it anyways?" He croaked and checked his phone.

"Maddy, it's 6!"

"I knooow, but Mom told me to wake you up so you can take me and Jay to school!"

Tyler rolled his eyes and groaned. "Are you dressed yet?"

"Yep! I'm ready!" She smiled and this made him smile too.

"Good. Now get out so I can go take my shower."

Maddy nodded and walked out of Tyler's room.

After Tyler was done dressing up and stuff, he checked his phone again to see it was 7:35. Maddy and Jay's school regularly starts at 7:45 so it would be best to get going now.

"Come on guys, time to go." Tyler sighed and pushed the two out of the door and into his car.

They both buckled up and Maddy sniffed the air. "Tyler, why does your car smell weird?"

Fucked Up Heart // Tyler Joseph + Jenna BlackWhere stories live. Discover now