16. Fucked Up Heart

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Song I associate with this chapter:
Blue Moon Motel by Nicole Dollanganger

2 hours before

Melanie wasn't in Ohio.

In fact, she didn't know where she was.

It was nearly 5am and daylight was slowly rising.

Her parents didn't know where she was, Josh didn't know where she was, and she bet Tyler didn't give a single crap about her.

Ashley Frangipane didn't know where she was, hell, Ashley didn't even know who she was, no number exchanging or anything.

Melanie: Is this Debby?

She waited for a while and hesitated. It was 5 am and in that moment, she agitated on messaging her, as if she would respond.

Unknown: Yeah, it is. I hope I don't sound hostile or mean but, who is this and why are you texting me at 5 am?

Melanie: Hi Debby, this is Melanie. Josh's friend. Yeah, me.

Unknown: Oh, hi Melanie!

She quickly added Debby to her contacts before redirecting back to the messaging screen.

Melanie: You know Tyler right?

Debby: Yeah, what about him?

She took a sharp deep breath and exhaled slowly.
Melanie: Okay, look. There's this girl, her name's Jenna.


Tyler and Jenna's own alarms on their phones were both ringing simultaneously, making both of them shoot up.

They saw that they were still held onto each other which made them smile warmly.

Jenna fell back and Tyler let go. She immediately started to drift off to sleep, making Tyler get heart eyes and him & his entire heart smile.

He planted a kiss on her forehead and stroked her hair. "Wake up, J."

"I don't want to, though."

He chuckled and went over her to pick her up and sat her down. "You gotta."

Her eyes were still closed and she was leaning side to side, almost falling every second but catching her balance.

Tyler went to his closet to take out his clothes and he laid them on the bed.

"You can sleep, go ahead," He whispered and steadily laid the girl down and rolled her near the wall on her side. "but when I finish dressing, you have to get ready, okay J?"

"M'kay." She murmured.

Tyler chuckled and bit his lip, slowly undressing to put on his clothes. He didn't bother to take a shower, just brushing your teeth, an unhealthy load of body spray, and deodorant would be fine, at least he thought to himself. Laziness was an cultural habit of his.

After 5 minutes, he was done zipping his pants and spraying his Axe spray, he gently shook Jenna's shoulder, waking her up.

"Jenna, you gotta get dressed 'cause dress now, we have enough time to fix you up."

She groaned and rolled on her back and her eyes slowly fluttered open for her sight to see Tyler hovering over her, smiling.

"Okay.. I'll get dressed." She croaked.

"Good. I'll get out so you can get ready."

He was about to leave but Jenna stopped him by grabbing his arm.

Fucked Up Heart // Tyler Joseph + Jenna BlackWhere stories live. Discover now