30. Fucked Up Heart

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Song I associate with this chapter:
My Kind Of Woman by Mac Demarco

"These things are so dumb."

11 year old Melanie looked at where 12 year old Tyler was staring at which was a poster for anti-drug use inside a transparent board. Their middle school was currently holding an anti-drug week so flyers and posters were plastered everywhere. She stopped and smiled at the banal motto.

"They're corny, but send a good message!"

"'Your future is key, so stay drug free?' Uh, yeah. Like anyone's actually gonna do that." Tyler scoffed.

Melanie looked up at Tyler who had his arms crossed and furrowed his eyebrows. "You're not implying you might do.. drugs, right Tyler?"

Tyler looked down at Melanie and slowly dropped his arms. "No.."

She stared at him and he sighed.


"Tyler! Why?"

"I don't know; it can relieve stress when I get older or something."

"Three weeks ago, you said killing something was for the first time would be "cool." That's what you said about.. Buster," She slowly leaned in and whispered. "and you still never got caught."

"I know. You see my point?"

"You're saying if you get a cigarette, light it up, then smoke, you won't get caught?"

The 12 year old not-confirmed just yet-psychopath proudly shook his head and grinned. "Nope. And I'll tell you, probably in 5 years, I still won't get caught. And Buster will still be dead."

"Like I said, that only happened 3 weeks ago. You still never know. Police are smart."

Tyler shrugged while Melanie sighed and looked over Tyler's shoulder to check the clock above.

"I need to get to homeroom."

"See you at second period, then." He frowned and watched the girl walk off then turn to go into the other hallway that was next to Tyler's.

He looked up at the clock then glanced around for any teachers.

"Maybe.. today, they'll let me off the hook?" He mumbled and slowly backed away to get to a secret spot he found.

He then picked up his feet and ran but stopped by a teacher. He backed away while looking up, although he wasn't scared.

"Where are you going?" The man boomed.

"Homeroom.. uh.. sir."

"You have enough time, get going. Sixth grade, right?"

Tyler slowly nodded and gripped his binder tighter closer to him.

"Okay. Get to homeroom. Only 6 more minutes of transition time left, so get going."

He nodded and walked past the man, slowly smirking to himself.

"Dumbass." Tyler muttered and passed his class he was supposed to go to.

He walked to the back doors and ran out, clutching the straps of his binder which was a zip up one, closely. Running far from his school, Tyler passed a high school that he would go to in ninth grade, and next to that was an alleyway.

He went to the deep depths of the alleyway where he couldn't be seen in the sunlight anymore, threw his binder on the floor, and unzipped it.

Fucked Up Heart // Tyler Joseph + Jenna BlackWhere stories live. Discover now