25. Fucked Up Heart

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Song I associate with this chapter:
Young God by Halsey

"Are your parents home?"
Tyler looked over at the half-sleeping girl whose feet were up at her chest and she was in a fetal position. Anything just to make her comfortable, because it was now 3 am.

"No, only Jay and Maddy.. and I forgot I had to babysit them today."

Melanie slowly nodded, but it was hard for Tyler to see since they were in the dark.

Tyler had been driving for 10 minutes and he quietly pulled in their driveway, although pulling in made a squeak. He glanced at Melanie who was still sleeping, unbuckled his seatbelt, and slowly walks out to go to the backseat.

He brings Melanie's bag because Tyler offered to stay the night, so she accepted. He throws one of the straps over his shoulder, quietly closes the door and walks over to Melanie's side.

It was a warm July night in Ohio. Unusual, really. Ohio's weather was weird. One minute it's raining, after the rain, it's supposed to be humid and a little warm, right? Especially in summer, right? Wrong. Always cold.

Not today. Today was a non cloudy night day, and it was warm. Although Tyler liked the cold nights.

He opened the door, crouched inside and unbuckled his sleeping friend's seatbelt and gently picks her up, bridal style.

"I'm tired.." Melanie mumbled in Tyler's shirt.

"I know, Crybaby." He groaned and quietly opened his door, stepping inside and shutting it.

Of course Jay and both Maddy were asleep.

He was still carrying Melanie all the way upstairs to his room. He plopped her down on his bed and closed the door, locking it then throwing her bag on the floor.

Tyler turned on the light and smiled at his best friend quietly sleeping. He kicked off his shoes and walked over to his bed to gently shake Melanie's shoulder.

"Wake up." Tyler whispered.
"Why.." Melanie muttered back.

"Well, one. Your shoes are still on, and no, I'm not letting you wear shoes on my bed."

She sighed to sit up, shoving Tyler out of her way to collectedly take off her shoes. Doing only the littlest task made her incredibly tired and weak.

"Thank you." Tyler mumbled at her hostility of simply arising from her little 'nap' and pushing Tyler. Melanie nodded, throwing her shoes harshly to his corner that made a loud thump.

"Be quiet, we don't want to wake up Jay." He toned her down, furrowing his eyebrows empathetically.

"Sorry." She apologized, stretching to wake herself up.

As Melanie was making herself comfortable, snuggling deep into his mattress and taking off her jacket that reeked of multiple people and blood, Tyler was shoving out everything from his black bookbag.

"That's a lot of guns. Hey, Tyler, can I ask you something?"

He shot his head up, stared at her for a while then shrugged, furrowing his eyebrows. "Uh.. sure Mel. What is it?"

She bit the inside of her lip, tugging at the skin. "Do you.. do you think we'll get in trouble?"

Tyler scoffed, grabbed an old shoe box to stuff the various weapons. Some of the guns sent shivers down his spine, because these were things he used to take innocent people's lives, but at the same time it was simultaneously fun.
"That's the dumbest question you can ever ask a murderer. When Charles Manson sent The Manson Family to kill Sharon Tate, do you think he repeatedly asked himself if he'll get in trouble? Melanie, of course we will. We left that place a mess and police were already coming."

Fucked Up Heart // Tyler Joseph + Jenna BlackWhere stories live. Discover now