8. Fucked Up Heart

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Guys! We reached 100 reads! Thank you all so much. I love you all. Stay alive and stay safe |-/



Dog Breath👽: Crybaby what the fuck it's 6 am.

Crybaby🚬🍼: I'm just so excited, I'm getting a tattoo today!

Crybaby🚬🍼: Oh yeah, I'm getting two

Dog Breath 👽: Listen Mel, can we please talk later, I'm so tired.

Crybaby🚬🍼: Okay fine. But don't forget we have to leave around 12pm.

Dog Breath👽: Sure, whatever.

Tyler didn't wake up until 9 am. Sunlight came into his already bright room.
"Where am I?" He groaned and held his head.

Soon memories came flowing in his head all at once which made his head really hurt. He groaned and held it in his hands.

A nurse came into the room. Tyler looked up and she had a welcoming smile on her face. It creeped out Tyler.

"You okay? If not, the doctor who assigned you this room and.. well.. set up everything," She waved her arms and gestured to the machine keeping Tyler alive. "Asked me to bring you medicine incase you were feeling pain."

Tyler groaned again and smiled, happily accepting the bottle. "Thank you... um..."

She smiled and rubbed his arm. "Just call me Alyssa. Okay, well I guess you know you're leaving today so do you have anyone to pick you up?"

"Yeah I do, but don't worry I can call them."

Alyssa nodded and placed her hands on her hips. "Perfect. You're getting discharged at 12, so I'll bring you your breakfast and you can start getting ready."

Tyler nodded. He was relieved he was getting out of here, even though he loved hospitals it was super uncomfortable and he didn't sleep really well last night.

"I'll be out of your hair now. Call me if you need anything." Alyssa said before she walked out.

And again, Tyler was left in silence. The only thing lifting it was the beeping from the monitor and water running from the water dispenser.

He didn't know what to do. And he actually missed Melanie and Josh. The only thing left to do was to message them.

He slowly opened their groupchat and started typing, taking a deep breath and exhaling.


"Hi, is Josh home?" Melanie was on Josh's doorstep, ringing the doorbell to see his little sister, Abigail, open the door and greet Melanie at the door.

"Um yeah, he's upstairs in his room."

"Cool, thanks." The eager girl rushed past Abigail, nearly knocking her down and ran up to Josh's room.

She slowly opened the door and formed her mouth into a 'O' when she saw Josh sleeping and quietly snoring.

She steadily took off her boots and tiptoed towards his bed, lifting his covers from his face gently.

She smiled when she saw the sight of Josh peacefully sleeping, and the sound of his snoring, sounding like little cat purrs.

Melanie smirked and jumped on top of Josh's back, hugging him and bouncing.

Fucked Up Heart // Tyler Joseph + Jenna BlackWhere stories live. Discover now