29. Fucked Up Heart

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Song I associate with this chapter:
Off To The Races by Lana Del Rey

Jenna was also the first one to wake up, awakened by the rustling of trees and then soon a branch falling on the car.

She jumps up which startles Tyler completely and he harshly hits her back but then he bites his tongue.

"Shit Jenna, do you still have your bruises?"

"Um yeah, I kinda do considering they never fucking healed." She remarks while rolling her eyes.

"What the fuck? Why haven't they healed? It's been two weeks." He sits up and doesn't release his arms from Jenna, holding onto her for dear life.

"Say 'two weeks' one more goddamn time, I'm leaving." Jenna harshly removes her arms from Tyler and fixes the blanket while sighing.

"What the hell is your problem? That's the reason why you left; you're always looking for a fucking argument."

"Don't even put this on my fault, it's also yours for being such a psychopathic abusive cunt."

He stares at her then exhales. "Uh, burn. Two, I'm not even abusive, at least I'm not your dad."

Jenna would quickly turn her head to Tyler then bite her lip.

"That was too far. I'm sorry."

She runs her hand through her blonde locks then wipe her face. "Yeah, I'm sorry too. I started this."

"Sorry for hitting you. Why haven't your bruises healed?" He speaks to her in a calm manner.

"Scott and Matty, they were there. Kind of the reason why I have probably have PTSD and bruises that are worse."

"I'm so glad I killed that bitch!" He tenses up and grips the edge of the blanket. Staying in silence, he throws himself over the car and goes to the driver seat.

"What are you doing?" Jenna groans, plopping herself on the ground while going to the passenger's.

"Just gonna visit a friend. So fucking glad I know Westerville."

Jenna quickly takes her seatbelt and buckles, awaiting for what's about to happen.

"Hold on tight, J." He puts the key in the ignition, turns it, then places his hand on the back of Jenna's seat.

"Why?" She slowly says, confused.

"Because we're about to kill a motherfucker." He says, speeding out of the forest from behind.


"So.. why do you think Tyler escaped again?"

Melanie was pacing back and forth while flapping her hands in the living room of Josh as Tyler's siblings, his parents, Jenna's family, and Josh's as well were all sitting down watching the girl.

"Stop pacing, you're making me dizzy." Josh says.

She finally stops in front of all of them and takes a deep breath.

"Okay. I was watching the news, which means I was on Twitter, and I saw people were talking about someone got shot at this jail.. the same jail where Tyler is, or should I say, were, at."

Everyone stayed silent until Josh spoke up. "I'm not following."

"They caught one guy who was trying to escape, so they did some sort of prisoner check. One inmate was missing, and guess who it was."

"Tyler?!" Tyler's mother immediately said, full of hope.

"Bingo." Melanie grinned proudly.

"We still don't know though. And why does this concern us?" Jenna's parents Greg and Debbie said.

Fucked Up Heart // Tyler Joseph + Jenna BlackWhere stories live. Discover now