23. Fucked Up Heart

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Song I associate with this chapter:
Strange Love by Halsey

"What if.. what if we never find him?"

Josh sighed as he watched the anxious girl pace back and forth in his room. He ran his hand through his blue hair that was fading a bit, but at the top was completely blue like it was when they first dyed it.

He was scared too. He knows he's been avoiding Tyler, technically. Debby's always dragging him away and he never gets to talk with Tyler. Especially to text. There's always no time, cause of Debby.

"We already did, he's in jail. And I don't even know why."

He stared at the pacing girl who probably didn't even hear what he said.
"Melanie, please stop pacing, you're making me dizzy." He monotonously said.

She stopped and faced Josh while he was still sitting on the bed. "I'm sorry, but my best friend ever since childhood is fucking gone, so how can you tell me to relax?!"

"See, all I told you was to stop pacing, but now I'm telling you to relax. And he's not even gone; we know where he is!"

She glares at him and all he could do was drop his head down then give out a short laugh.

"We contacted the police. They sent out the AMBER Alert, for both Tyler and Jenna. So far, 36 people called Tyler's parents, and Jenna's. They're gonna show up eventually"

She sighed and crossed her arms. "I'm just scared, you know?"

Josh nodded sincerely. He understood wholeheartedly if she would be the only one critically upset over this entire thing considering Tyler and Melanie were inseparable and were always together. They were near siblings, and each deeply cared for the other.

She dropped her arms then started to slowly walk over to Josh, sitting on his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck, sighing as she rests her head on his shoulder.

"You know this is my fault, right?" Melanie muttered in his shirt.

"How?" Josh gently rubbed the girl's back.

"I've been avoiding him.. and everytime he'd try to text me I leave him on read, or if he calls me I simply don't answer."

"Why? And where have you been?"

She sighed and pulled away from Josh, staring in his same mocha eyes.

"And please tell me."

Melanie bit her bottom lip and fiddled with her hands, until she nodded and got off of Josh's lap.
"Okay, here's what happened."


"Tyler! Tyler, wake up!"

What now.. He thought in annoyance.

Tyler sat up to see Ray hovering over him and an excited smile plastered on his face. Sometimes he wondered if prisoners were still allowed in the psych unit.

"Why are you so happy?" He scoffed and fixed his pillow.

"You'll. Never. Guess. What I just saw on the TV in the kitchen."

"What did you see?" Tyler sighed.

"Okay so like, I was wandering around the jail 'cause it was like 1 am and I'm never allowed out, well no one's allowed to get out, don't ask how I escaped my cell, then I passed the kitchen. I saw an AMBER Alert on the TV and guess who it was for!"



Tyler's heart stopped and he could feel his hands shaking. "R-Really?"

Fucked Up Heart // Tyler Joseph + Jenna BlackWhere stories live. Discover now