7. Fucked Up Heart

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⚠️ TW: RAPE ⚠️
Song I associate with this chapter:
Next To You by Alicks

Tyler stepped out of the bathroom after 20 long minutes of crying and smoking. When he opened the door, a whole bunch of smoke escaped. Accidental hotboxing.

He went back to the living room to see Brendon and a girl he'd never seen before making out, their hands tangled in each other's hair and Brendon's shirt unbuttoned.

Tyler had a huge headache and he needed Brendon to drop him off but he was way too tired to even stop both of them. So he grabbed his bag and his butterfly knife that was sitting on the chair.

"I'm off, Brendon." He walked out, knowing he didn't hear him.

"Did you hear something, Sarah?" Brendon breathed out.

"No. Let's keep kissing." She pulled him and they continued their full-on makeout sesh.

It was 5pm and the sky was getting darker, and the air was getting cooler. He zipped up his jacket and threw his backpack straps over both his shoulders and placed his hands in his pockets.

He didn't really know this part of Ohio, but he just followed wherever he thought was right.

Tyler was stopped by a man, very intimidating and slightly larger than him.

"You smell like weed." He sniffed the air and Tyler hiccuped.

"Yeah, so?" He crossed his arms.

"Give me some, or I guess I'll just have to fuck you up."

Tyler smiled. He was not intimidated by this man. "Who said I had any on me right now?"

The man picked Tyler up by the throat and pushed him against the brick wall of the alleyway. There was no one around, no one to help him. "You being smart with me?"

His goofish smile didn't leave his face. "Obviously, or else your hand wouldn't be around my neck right now."

The man chuckled and his grip around Tyler's throat became tighter. "Oh.. you're funny."

Tyler gurgled and wheezed, slowly reaching into his pocket to take out his knife. Thinking strategically, he rammed it in the man's stomach which made him fall back for self defense. He turned around to see 3 men and one woman, shorter than all of them, walking towards him as if it was on cue.

Tyler stumbled, walking back but all he hit was a fence. Then they became closer and soon the woman started running close to Tyler, nose to nose.

She stared at him and smiled. "Clueless boy."

Tyler didn't notice the 3 men walking to both his sides. His heart rate started increasing, with a groan that he let out as soon when they threw Tyler on the ground, which gave the 3 men a good oppurtunity to kick him in his ribs and stomach.

His vision slowly became blurry and he could feel a little liquid coming out his mouth. And he knew exactly what it was.

One of the men got a small pocketknife and stuck it in Tyler's rib, twirling it around and pulling it out.

Then the woman crouched down and kissed Tyler, all of them walking off.

And that was the last thing Tyler felt.


Tyler woke up in a room that was way too bright for him. He looked around and took a double take when he saw Brendon stand up and sigh in relief.

"You're okay."

"Where am I?" He asked.

"The hospital. You got beaten," Brendon sighed and took a rag filled with blood on it. "really, really bad."

Fucked Up Heart // Tyler Joseph + Jenna BlackWhere stories live. Discover now