11. Fucked Up Heart

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"I was raped, Tyler."

Those four words echoed in Tyler's mind. He couldn't comprehend. They were silent and staring at each other until the bell rang.

"U-Um.." He started to back away.

"Just go. If anyone asks, I had to stay home cause I'm not feeling well." She ducked her head and started to walk off.

"Jenna, please come back.." He called out but she continued to walk.

Josh and Melanie finally found him and ran up to him. "Hey Ty!"

Melanie looked in the direction Tyler was looking then looked back at him. "Who was that?"

"Um.. nobody. Let's go."

Melanie shot Josh a glance and just shrugged. They caught up to him and tried to get his attention.

"Tyler! Tyler, are you okay?"

He ignored them, mostly because those four words were still echoing in his head.


Lunch finally came and both Melanie and Josh didn't see Tyler.

Tyler: Hey, who is this?

Tyler: You sent me a message yesterday, I would like to hear back from you.

Unknown: This is Jenna.

He was surprised at the revealing that the unknown number that texted him yesterday was Jenna, and he was also surprised on the fact that she actually replied. His mind was drifting over on how he got her number, though. Either way, Tyler wanted to make sure she was okay since their small confrontation and talk.

Tyler: Jenna, please tell me if you're okay.

Unknown: I'm fine Tyler but why do you care? You obviously like to hurt people yourself, too.

The heartbeat of Tyler's increased faster and he felt his stomach drop. Sure, he was the masochistic type, but seeing Jenna get hurt herself made him eat away his feelings he presented to Jenna over the years and words. He resumed back to texting while also biting his nails anxiously.

Tyler: what the hell? How could you say that?

Unknown: The anger in your eyes that day. The way how you clenched your fists. You liked me seeing in pain.

That was true. But not today.

Tyler: That's not true, I do care about you

Unknown: But you don't even know me!

Unknown: You told me to leave you alone, you called me fucking creepy, you nearly hurt me, I could see it that you wanted to!

Unknown: Please don't lie to me Tyler

Tyler: Fine. If I'm being sincerely honest, I'll admit, that's true. But I didn't know you were living like this, and I honestly feel even shittier about myself!

Tyler: I'm so sorry, Jenna. You're always so happy, you don't deserve someone as fucked as me. I was actually going to apologize to you today but when we talked it drifted my mind.

Unknown: Hey don't say that. I accept your apology, but don't call yourself fucked.

Well, he was.

Tyler: Please just tell me why you didn't tell anyone.

Unknown: Didn't you hear me? I'm going to get killed, Tyler. And I know my dad.

Tyler: What are you doing right now?

Fucked Up Heart // Tyler Joseph + Jenna BlackWhere stories live. Discover now