22. Fucked Up Heart

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Song I associate with this chapter:
Heathens by Twenty One Pilots

"Joseph, come on, let's go!"

Tyler groaned and sat up from his very uncomfortable bed, stretching for a bit until he blankly looked out into space.

His thoughts were interrupted by the security guard impatiently waiting at his cell. He appeared broad, intimidating, and his black police bat sat patiently in his hand, as if he was going to need or use it in someone.

"Joseph, come on! I'm not telling you twice!"

He huffed and stood up, a smirk spread across his lips. "You already did, though."

The security guard paused and rolled his eyes, slapping Tyler across the head harshly.

"Ow, what the hell?! Chill, I'm only seventeen anyways." He grinned dumbly again.

The guard rolled his eyes again and roughly grabbed Tyler's arms, locking them in handcuffs which were way too tight.

"Can you go easy? They hurt."

But that's the way how he likes it.

"Shut up."

"Okay," He shrugged.

He took his hands away and pushed Tyler so he could walk. He walked behind him and another guard person man did so too. And the three walked slowly to the cafeteria.

Every prisoner stared at him and he noticed them too. One was cowering in the corner with a straitjacket and he stared at Tyler with big, pleading eyes.

He couldn't help but to feel just slightly bad for this person. All of that was interrupted when one of the guards shoved him and he moved faster.

They arrived to the cafeteria and he scanned the place. So much prisoners, which he didn't know but they were going through shit like him too.

Mikey spotted Tyler and he quickly waved for him to come over to him and Gerard's, Ray's, and Frank's table. Multiple security guards cowered and guarded their table, which made him feel angsty.

"Oh my god, Mikey, what are you doing?" Gerard sighed in annoyance and shook his head.

"I'm calling Tyler over! He's over there! Tyler, over here!"

Tyler saw Mikey's attempt to call him over and he looked over his shoulder for the guards to let him go.

"Do I go.. or..?"

Mr. Guard Man #1 glanced at Mr. Guard Man #2 and he shrugged and sighed. "Sure."

They released his handcuffs and he sighed in relief, rubbing his wrists. He was about to go until the second security guard stopped him by laying a hand on his shoulder.

"You have 10 minutes though. So, spend your time wisely."

Tyler rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

He ran over to Mikey and the rest's table and smiled once he sat down.

"Hi guys."

"Hi Tyler."

"Are you okay? You look really tired." Ray furrowed his eyebrows.

"This is how I always look."

He winced and shot looks to Frank and Mikey while they just shrugged.

"Tyler, do you have any friends?" Gerard asked.

"Gee, why would you ask that!" Mikey slapped him across the head.

"Uh.. yeah, I do, two actually."

Fucked Up Heart // Tyler Joseph + Jenna BlackWhere stories live. Discover now