5. Fucked Up Heart

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Song I associate with this chapter:
Semi-Automatic by Twenty One Pilots

It was finally free period for both Tyler and Josh, however Melanie was still in class. Both of them were outside sitting on the bleachers on the football field, jocks and cheerleaders still in the middle of practice and people on the track team doing laps.

Tyler looked around while he had his left hand in his pocket. "You ready?"

Josh smiled. "Yeah."

Tyler took a deep breath and revealed his super-cool holographic multi colored butterfly pocket knife. Most of its base was purple. It shined and reflected brightly in the sun if you pointed directly at it.

"Whoa.. dude, this is so cool." Josh exhaled.

"Yeah." Tyler breathed out. "Now watch," he picked it up but paused and stared at Josh. "You might wanna move back."

"Oh yeah." He moved back slightly and watched Tyler in awe.

He slowly started to spin the knife between his fingers, then spinning it faster than Josh's mind could comprehend. He then finished his trick by spinning it one last time and flawlessly catching it with his hand.

"Dude, that was sick!" Josh congratulated him and gave him a high-five.

"Yeah I know." Tyler smiled confidently.

Josh looked at his phone for the time. It was still free period and there was lots of time left. "Let's get going. I need to study anyways, so let's hit the library."

Tyler nodded. "Okay."

They went inside the school and Josh went to the library. Tyler was stopped by Jenna Black, once again.

"Tyler, where were you yesterday?" Jenna sighed and hugged him.

Um.. what?

Why was Jenna Black hugging him, and why did she care so much?

"I.. had to go somewhere." He awkwardly patted her back and pulled her away.

She nodded and moved her lips to the side. The girl then noticed his bruise on his right arm and gasped. "What happened?!"

"Look, why do you care so much, and why are you kissing up my ass? I know as hell you don't feel sorry for me, and I know you really don't want to be my friend, so just.. leave me alone, alright? You're fake and disgusting, so fuck off." He sneered and walked away.

She watched him walk off, leaving her stand in silence and bewildered.


"Friday! Yes! Finally!" Josh sighed as the trio walked outside.

Melanie smiled and stroked some of her blonde hair behind her ear.

"Where do we go now?" Tyler asked.

"Let's go to our spot!" Josh beamed and they all agreed.

Jenna slowly came out from the building and watched all of them run off, making her a little sad and defeated.

They all sat down in their spot, which was just a little tree and a bench Tyler and Josh installed themselves. The tree had carvings of their initials and had a bunch more. Melanie brought out her own silver folding pocket knife and was carving a doodle of a carousel with a horse on it.

"What you drawing, Crybaby?" Tyler asked and watched her.

"Oh well, I really want to get a tattoo so I guess that's what I want to get." She grinned, pushing her shoulders up.

Fucked Up Heart // Tyler Joseph + Jenna BlackWhere stories live. Discover now