10. Fucked Up Heart

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Song I associate with this chapter:
Now Or Never by Halsey

Unknown: Is this Tyler?

Jenna sighed and pursed her lips together when she sent the message to the number Melanie had given her. After her and Tyler's confrontation, she had ran after Jenna, addressed the 'Tyler liking Jenna' theory, and gave his number to her in peace.

Tyler: Yeah, this is me, who is this?

The three little dots appeared. It went down and disappeared after a little argument with herself, debating what she should say or not. This was the guy that practically hated you and despised you all wrapped in one. Meanwhile, Jenna also hated Tyler. She hated how alone he always was and she hated how he screamed at her; his stupid little antics made her upset. She didn't even know why she was texting him but she wanted to clear things up a little.

Interrupting, the entire power in her house turned off and she heard her mom yelp.

"Mom?!" She turned on her flashlight from her phone and steadily walked downstairs. Both her mom and dad were in the living room and they both looked at Jenna.

As soon as she faced her parents, her dad walked up to her and roughly slapped her across her face. She winced and held her cheek. She didn't even get an explanation or a chance to talk!

"What was that for?!"

All four of her sisters and brothers were looking down at the scene from the upstairs balcony. They were forced to stay upstairs.

"Jenna, the reason why the power went out is that you plugged too many of your things in one outlet." Her mom spoke up gently. Unlike her father, she was more caring and sincere.

"I'm sorry, but that's no reason to fucking hit me!" She raised her voice.

Her parents stopped and stared at each other.

"Debbie, go upstairs." Her father lowly said.


"I said go upstairs! Now!" His voice grew louder.

Her mom nodded and ran upstairs, pushing Jenna's siblings into the room and locking the door. Her dad, Greg, turned to Jenna who still looked proud from what she said.

Greg threw hard punches to her face. He then slammed her back very roughly onto the ground.

"Dad, stop, please!" She pleaded while Greg did a mixture of punches, picking Jenna over his shoulder and throwing her on the ground.

Jenna's screams made her mom flinch and hold her kids closer.

"Mom, what's happening to Jenna?" Her brother, Brennan asked.

Her mom sighed and rubbed his head. Jenna's siblings were never aware of the abuse she was presented to majority of the time because they never wanted it to trace to them, but they had to keep it an unfortunate, wrenching secret.

Greg gave one last big kick to Jenna's stomach and left her on the ground in the still darkness.

Both Scott and Matty left weeping, hurt Jenna in the cold and dark.

"Mom, I'm going out with Josh and Melanie." Tyler was 1 inch away from the door.

His mom stopped him by laying her hand on his shoulder. "Oh, no you don't. You've always been gone and we always have no idea where you are, so you're staying here."

"What? But I promised both of them I'd go out with them today!" He groaned.

"I don't care, you're staying here."

Fucked Up Heart // Tyler Joseph + Jenna BlackWhere stories live. Discover now