17. Fucked Up Heart

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Song I associate with this chapter:
Bad At Love by Halsey

Tyler's eyes slowly fluttered open and they started stinging. He winced and gently sat up, as Jenna was still in his arms, quietly sleeping.

He scanned their motel room to see sunlight brightly shining in their room. He looked over Jenna's bruised shoulder, her makeup smudged by twisting a lot in her sleep, to see the once twinkling stars and bright neon signs glowing, disappear. He sighed and laid back down, rubbing his face.

There was silence, the only thing lifting it was the water bubbles flowing from the water dispenser at the side of their room, and cars and trucks beeping, not loud enough to wake Jenna up though.

He smiled at the sight of her drooling, wetting his shirt but he didn't care, and her small snores and hair covering her face, some sticking on her forehead from the heat, even though the air conditioning was on.

He looked for his phone from under his pillow and found it, pressing the home button and taking a picture of the sight.

He smiled again and went to his Instagram, posting it.

tylerrjoseph: my sleeping princess

dead_goner liked your post.

yelyahwilliams liked your post.

And his "small" following, which was only 7k because of his posts which were horror themed and everyone loved him, immediately blew up his phone by liking.

denise.bree74: She's so cute!

michael_.myers_.: Who's that girl?

pennywise.the.dancingclown: WHO IS SHE

pennywise.the.dancingclown: OH MY GOSH ARE THEY IN THE SAME BED TOGETHER

hurricanebri: Are you two dating?

whataboutscary: what happened to you and @littlebodybigheart?

jason.vorhees.92: @whataboutscary Idk why.. she's not active & she's not following Tyler anymore..

That last comment caught him off guard. He had to take a literal double take to read it again. He knew how Melanie could act when she was at her worst, and this could be hinting at the end of their friendship; what he imagined and hated the most.Had he fucked up that bad?

trumanblack liked your post.

trumanblack: she's adorable!

scottthethotwilliams requested to follow you.

Accept or decline?

scottthethotwilliams is now following you.

So he went to his DMs and scrolled down through them, from his followers, from certain people asking him if he could take one of his posts down cause they were "triggering" even though his page was private and they could unfollow him anytime, and a groupchat containing other psychopaths like him.

One DM came up and he clicked on it.

trumanblack: hi Tyler! love your account, been following for a while. I wanted to ask on behalf of everyone asking, who's the girl in your recent pic?

tylerrjoseph: hey! her name's Jenna.

trumanblack: does she have an IG?

tylerrjoseph: don't know, if she did I wouldn't give it out.

Fucked Up Heart // Tyler Joseph + Jenna BlackWhere stories live. Discover now