19. Fucked Up Heart

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Song(s) I associate with this chapter:
Habits by Tove Lo
Nicotine by Panic! At The Disco

12 hours before

When Jenna walked out and slammed the door, she stopped and turned on her heel, facing the door. She sighed, then smiled, remembering all the good moments she had with Tyler and a connection she sorta felt on that day when he came back and she hugged him.

Tyler was stopped by Jenna Black, once again.

"Tyler, where were you yesterday?" Jenna sighed and hugged him.

Um.. what?

Why was Jenna Black hugging him, and why did she care so much?

"I.. had to go somewhere." He awkwardly patted her back and pulled her away.

She threw her head back and grinned when she remembered the motel and everything.

Jenna smiled and sighed, feeling warm and safe now that she was with Tyler.

"I've never really said this before.. but J?"


"I love you."

Jenna slowly looked up at Tyler and her lips turned into a smile.

"I love you too, Tyler."

"God, you look so beautiful."

Her eyes twinkled since they went perfect with the blue neon light illuminating room and she smiled wider.

You're my Mickey, I'm your Mallory

You're my Kurt, I'm your Courtney

You're my Joe, I'm your Norma

You're my Clarence and I'm your Alabama

She looked down and dropped her duffel bag gently, backing up to lean on the beam behind her. Jenna looked down at her hands and cracked them. Should she go back, or should she leave? One part of her mind was telling her to stay, but the other was telling her leave. Did she even remember crap Tyler put her in?  

"Well, maybe I don't need help. I'm fine, thanks for your concern, now leave me alone."

She grew furious with him. "Why are you so mad all the time? Why do you always like to push people away?!"

"Listen, you don't know me so you can't assume shit like that. If you came here to argue again, then just fucking leave. I have no problem." He stood up and clenched his fists.

He grinned when he saw the fear in Jenna's eyes, assuming she saw him clench his fists into a ball.

"Leave or not. I'm getting tired of you."

She winced and bit her lip. Jenna struggled to not remember even more, but those were just good examples that she should go.

"What are you holding?"


He placed the bottles on his desk and roughly grabbed Jenna's wrist, taking his knife.

"Why do you have this?!" He yelled which made her flinch.

"Why do you have it?"

He pushed Jenna on his wall roughly, pinning her there and placing his knife on her neck. "Never go through my stuff, and don't touch things like this. Are we clear?"

Fucked Up Heart // Tyler Joseph + Jenna BlackWhere stories live. Discover now