13. Fucked Up Heart

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Song I associate with this chapter:
Garden by Halsey

"Do you like me?"

He stopped his breath momentarily and scooted back a little, pushing Melanie off him gently.

She looked up at him and stroked a piece of her still blonde hair behind her ear.


"Do you?"

He tugged at his blanket and cleared his throat. "Melanie, you know I love you but.. I don't.. really like you like that."

She looked down for a while then grinned, looking back up at him again. "I thought since we've been friends for so long, you might have."

"Maybe this'll change your mind."

Without hesitation, she leaned in to place her lips onto Tyler's.

He still had his eyes open and he could feel himself squeak when Melanie kissed him. Should he kiss back?

So he did. He kissed back and finally closed his eyes and he could feel Melanie kiss deeper, a little too harsh but neither of them mind.

Tyler placed his arm around her waist and they finally pulled back, Melanie smiling wide.

"I like your arm around my waist."

He let out a short chuckle and smiled back.

They stared at each other for what felt like forever until Tyler gasped and stood up, backing away from Melanie.

"What? What is it?"

"Melanie, I like Jenna.."

She stared at him blankly then slouched down.

"I'm.. so sorry."

"No, it's okay." She said while standing up.

"Wait, Melanie," He grabbed her arm and pulled her close to him. "I thought you liked Ashley?"

She put her hand on her forehead and rubbed it down her face while groaning. "No, it's.. complicated, I can't really talk about it right now."

"Why did you kiss me then, do you like me?"

"I thought you did!"

Tyler stared at her then she groaned again. "Because I thought you didn't like.. Jenna.."

He scoffed and crossed his arms. "I don't."

"Oh. Okay."

"So why did you say you did?"

Tyler quickly looked up at her and scratched the back of his head nervously.

"I was just lying; you know I was!"

She backed away and threw her head back. "I don't wanna make things awkward between us."

"It already is." He muttered and let out a short laugh.

He looked back at her to see her expression which was a little sad, she was frowning and furrowing her eyebrows and she had her same sad doe eyes.

"Uh.. see you whenever Tyler.."

"We're not going to.. hang out tomorrow? It's a Friday, and I thought we were going to watch that serial killer documentary.."

"No, I'm.. good," She said while turning the doorknob. "Bye, I guess."

Then she was gone.

He yelled and groaned, slapping himself in the face. How could he have been so blind, stupid?! Tyler knew how Melanie was when she was upset or when someone didn't like her back, she would become at her worse and try to do something horrible. Her heart was bigger than her body and Tyler took extreme advantage of that in that moment, completely just throwing it on the ground like he didn't care. How could he tell her he didn't like her when she probably did back?

Fucked Up Heart // Tyler Joseph + Jenna BlackWhere stories live. Discover now