Chapter 1

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Yume's P.O.V

I woke up when the sun lights up my face. I got off of my  bed and changed my cloths into P.E. "Aikatsu!Aikatsu!Aikats--"I was jogging when I bump into someone and we both fell down the ground."Sorry." he said to me and help me to get up."Thank you"I said and smiled. I look at him amd he has a Yellow hair and a blue eyes with headphone with he's neck.

"What's your name young lady?"he ask me."Yume. Nijino Yume."I said and smile at him."HAYATE!!"someone shouted.I look at my back and there's a three boys running towards us."Hey Nakuro, I said stop bumping me when we run!"the blue haired guy said to the gray haired guy. "Sorry about my friends, they kinda have a fight sometimes."said the yellow haired guy named Hayate.

"Sorry I didn't introduce my self my name is Hayate Namaki."he said to me."That blue haired guy is Kunukuzu Hinamate."he said and pointed the blue haired guy."The gray haired is Nakuro Sanatai."and he pointed the gray haired guy."And last is the black haired guy is Toroshi Nakamina."he said and pointed the black haired guy.

"Hey who's this girl?"Kunukuzu ask Hayate"Oh!This is Nijino Yume I just met her a while ago."Hayate said to Kunukuzu."Ohayo guzaimazu."I said and bow to them."Ohayo"the three of them said to me and I just give them a sweet smile.

"So, why are you all calling me?"Hayate question the three."Ah nothing its just that we're just looking for after all the sudden you just left us."Kunukuzu said and scratch his head."Is she the one?"Nakuro ask Hayate but I'm confused on are they saying."I think that's a Yes, right?"Toroshi said and Hayate just nod.

"Wait,I'm confused,what are you all talking about?"I asked to the and three just look at Hayate."Hey! I didn't tell her yet!"Hayate said and now I'm really confused."What is your gonna tell me anyway?"I ask Hayate and Hayate take a deep breath before he answer my question."Well  we're searching for a girl to cooperate with us."Hayate said and scratch his head.

"Wait,what do you mean cooperate are you all a Idol or something?"I ask them and they look at me confused."You don't know us?"Kunukuzu ask me."Yes,I all know you just a while ago."I said to Kunukuzu."Well your lucky you know?"Hayate said and smile at me."Why?"I ask them.

"Because you met R4."Hayate said and smile."Ok?..What is that mean?"I ask them."Because R4 means R--"Kunukuzu couldn't finish because we hear a girls calling 'R4'."R4!!!Kyaaa!!"the girls said and run towards here."Ah..Yume we better go lets talk about that later ok?"Hayate ask me and I just nod at him.He ang his group run as fast as they can to make sure the girls don't capture them.

I just shrugged my shoulder and continue my jogging."Aikatsu!Aikat--"I've been cut for what I'm doing when someone called my name."Boiled Octopus!!"I turn around to see who is that and it was Subaru."How many times do have to call me that?"I said and my two arms are on my hips."I like calling you that you know?Pfft--Hahahahahaha"now his laughing at me."Hahahaha your face is priceless Hahahahahaha!"his still laughing at me but my face are turning red not a blush but an angry face.

"Laugh all your want I'm going on my dorm so goodbye!"I said and I just step a little when he call me again."What now?"I said ang look at him but he seems his now serious."Who is those guys a while ago?"he ask with a serious face."Its none of your problem and why do you even care?"I said to him."I care because there not form this school they from the outsiders."he said to me."Why do you to be serious about that?"I ask him.

"Because ah....because I'm one of the protective of this school too and I'm not gonna allow outsiders go in this school and just came here to talk to a girl."he said and look at the left side I don't know if his blushing or angry."Ok I get it I gonna go now see you around!"I said and start walking and I heard my name I thought it was Subaru but I was wrong.

It  was Hayate"What is it Hayate?"I ask him."Come with me." he said and walk torward the gate I shrugged my shoulder and followed him.We just continue walking until we reach the outside gate."Where are we going?"I ask Hayate and Hayate just opening the back sit of the car."That's a surprise so come on ride in."he said and I just follow his order.

Minutes has past and now we stop.Hayate got off the car and open my door way."Thank you."I said and got off the car."Your Welcome."he said and smile at me.I look at my front way and I'm surprise on what I'm looking at now."Wow."I said and amazed.


A/N:Yow!I'm sorry for the wrong grammar I guess?Because its hard for me I'm not an American I'm a Filipino and I'm only 12 years old so I hope you all enjoy my Aikatsu star I really love Aikatsu star or an Idol and I really love Japanese so..BYE BYE😘

I re-Edited it now I'm 15 qwq

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