Chapter 2

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Yume's POV

I never been seen a cute sweet bakery, its also color pink."We can go inside now."Hayate said and I'm back to reality. He was the first one that got inside and I just followed him. Even inside its pink."Hayate!!"someone shouted I turn around and a man holding a camera,I think its the photographer."Is she the one you'll been looking for?"the photographer ask Hayate and Hayate smile and nod."Well she is beautiful what's your name young lady?"the photographer ask me."Nijino Yume des.."and the photographer just and clap its seem his calling someone in this bakery.

"What is it Sir?"the lady ask the photographer I think the lady is a make-up artist."Give her the maid dress and make sure she look pretty for the picture."Ehhh!!!??picture?!me?!" The lady nod and guide me to the changing room to change.The lady gave me the maid dress and I go to the changing room to get change, the maid dress is even pink.

I open the door to leave the changing room then the make-up artist are waiting outside."Follow me I gonna turn you pretty."the make-up artist said and I just follow her.When we reach to the make-up room she said to sit in front of the mirror so I can see what I look like."Are you ready?"the make-up artist ask and I just nod at her to say 'Lets start'.She started make-uping me, minutes past."There,and I just add a contact lens so others can't recognize you. I tied your hair like a bun-- a messy bun."she said and I just looking at the mirror its like it's not me.

Its like I can't recognized my face after all."Do you like it?"the make -up lady ask me."Yes!"I said and smiled at her and she smiled me back."Wow, you're like a professional."I said to the make-up artist."Is that so?I think you're the first one who praised me."she said to me and giggle."When I become S4..."I said and starting to stand up."You will be my first make-up artist!"I said and stand straight."Really?I'm counting in that."she said and smile.

"We need to go back I think they're waiting for you."she and I just nod and follow her.When we got back, I saw the four boys wearing a waiter suit.The four boys are talking and I just walk forward to get closer to them." Where's Yume,Hayate?I thought you brought her here?"Kunukuzu ask Hayate."Maybe they're taking so long."Nakuro said."Maybe."Hayate said."You guys are really blind aren't you guys?"Toroshi said and the three just look at him like 'What are saying?'look."She's right in front of us."Toroshi said and the three look on what direction is Toroshi is talking about.

"Hi.."I said and waved my hand.There was a silent and someone break the silent."Yume is that really you?"Hayate ask confused."Its me Nijino Yume."I said and pointing myself."You guys are really blind,I think Toroshi is right."I said and smiled."Its just we cant really recognize you."Nakuro said."You Idiot you really are blind."Kunukuzu said to Nakuro."Hey I'm not an idiot you idiot!"Nakuro said and cross his arm."Are we gonna start now?"I ask them."Just wait--."

"We're gonna start, so get ready ok?"the photographer said and we agreed with it."Yume are you nervous?"Hayate ask me."No.I'm used to this thing so..don't worry."I said and smile at him and he just did the same thing."You used to this thing?"Kunukuzu ask me and I just nod."Yeah...its also both of us."I said and smile."Both you mean?Two of you and who is the other one?"Nakuro ask me.       

"Hime-senpai is the other one."I said with a bright smile."I thought is a boy."Nakuro said."Maybe you are a fan of Hime aren't  you?"Hayate said and smile."Yes!I've been inspired of her since she started performing!"I said to them."Is that so?"Kunukuzu said."Ok guys!Lets start!"the photographer said."Hai!(Yes!)"we all said and get ready.

"Ok Toroshi you go first!"The photographer said to Toroshi."Hai!"he said and go to the spot were the photo shot is.Toroshi is making a pose to be pictured."That's right! It's really looks good!"the photographer said to Toroshi."Next!Kunukuzu!"The photographer said until is my turn.

"Next!Nijino Yume!"the photographer said and I just go to the spot is where the photo shot is.I'm in the spot of full of sweets.Yeah...that's the spot where the photo shot is."Make a post Yume!make your own style!"the photographer said and 'm now hyped out.I make a post that I'm pretending to eat the cup cake that I'm holding."That's more like it!Nice pose Yume!"the photographer said to me and I'm so happy.

"Ok!Let's us make another picture!How about......The picture of the five of you!"the photographer said and we just a greed with it.We all  go to spot that where we are."Ok!Let me think with the position. Hmm....I know!How about that Yume is middle in the the left is Kunukuzu and Nakuro!The right is Hayate and Toroshi!"The photographer said and we did what the photographer said."Ok lets start then!you all make you on pose if you like!"the photographer said and we just did what he said.

But  things might be different..The four of them is giving me a cup cake but different color and design.I'm not comfortable of that atmosphere but I just smile to get this over with it,I really feel something in this atmosphere."Ok!All right guys!It finish you can all go home now if you like."the photographer said to us.

"No.It's Ok we all gonna rest for a while if you don't mind?"Hayate said to the photographer." It's Ok with me just rest if you like."the photographer said and leave to finish the other things."Waahh!!!What a day!"Kunukuzu said and stretch his arms."Yeah..I think Yume is exhausted too."Hayate said and look at me and the others did too."No!I'm perfectly fine!"I said to them."If you say so."Hayate said.

"I think R4 will reach M4 right?"Nakuro said to his group mates."I don't think so..We need to shine more to overcome M4 you know?"Hayate said to Nakuro."Yeah you're right."Nakuro said in a sad tone.Come to think of it I remember that I'm gonna question that is,what is R4."Hey you guys what is R4?Why do you all name your group to R4?"I ask them.

"The meaning of the R4 is 'Roses 4 You'."Hayate said to me."Roses 4 You?Why?"I ask them."What do you mean 'Why?'"Toroshi ask me."I mean..Why do you have to name your group in to Roses 4 you."I explain to them."Well that's why we name our group into Roses 4 you is,we have a same crush."Hayate said."Do you mean...All of you had a crush into same girl?"I said and they just nod at me.

"Yeah...But until we all confess,that was the day that we all know that she had already a Boyfriend.But that was the past now we change but......I don't think that we all really change right guys?"Hayate said and look at the guys and they all look away.I'm confused in that part..but I don't want to ask more."Do you want to go home Yume?I think your exhausted."Hayate ask me."Yeah..I think I need a rest.Hehehe.."I said and scratch my head.

"So we will take you to your school then."Hayate said and start to stand up and just did the same too."Let's go then."Kunukuzu said and finally stretch his arms.We all go out to the sweet bakery shop and they decided take me to the Four Star Academy.Until we reach the school,Hayate stop the car and go out to the car to open my door way."Thanks."I thank him and I go out off the car."Well are you ok here on your own?"Hayate said and I just nod.

"See you then..Goodbye!"they all say and waved at me."Bye!"I said and waved too.I turn around and started walking suddenly someone is calling me.."Hey!!"someone shouted at me......

TO BE CONTINUED.............



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