Chapter 33

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Subaru's POV

Now, where's that girl?I go back of the stage and wait for her to come.Nozomu, Asahi and Kanata already go out with out me.Now, I'm here waiting for that girl to come."Yohoo~Subaru!"I suddenly heard a girl calling my name.A familiar voice."Yurika."I said her name.She's my childhood friend, when we were little she's too shy back then.And when we started in 6th grade she suddenly changed, she's flirting with me all along and I've been annoy being with her.

I don't why she suddenly changed, but back then I hurt her feelings.I told her everything that I don't like about her.And when I knew that she was going to France, I feel little lonely and sorry too.Don't think a wrong idea, back when we were little she always, been nice to me.But when she called me, I suddenly feel annoy again.She was totally doing fine in the phone, and she did have a guts to call me again when I hurt her feelings when we were little." Why did you enroll in the 4 Star Academy?"I ask her.

"I had some reason, and I don't want to talk about it." She said and crossed her arms." So this is nonsense of meeting each other, then.Good bye I had something to do anyway."I said and I was just gonna turn around when she suddenly hold my green jacket."O-ok then, I'm gonna tell you that why did I enroll in the 4 Star Academy." She said and Sigh.I just wait her about what she gonna say, looks important." I-I came back in Japan, because Dad wanted me to come back here because I'm gonna be engaged to someone that I didn't know." She sadly said.

At her age? Why did uncle forcing her daughter to get married? For someone she don't love?" Why? " I ask her." I-I don't know." She said honestly." Did you try to break the engagement?"I ask her."I try many time but he still didn't agree." She said." Try it once again, and cry in front of him.Maybe he will feel sorry for you.If not, why don't your mom do it?"I told her but she was silence."M-mom died 3 years ago." She said and I heard a sob, she's crying."What auntie died? How?"I ask her.Why didn't they tell me? Auntie is my close auntie that I ever had.

" S-she died b-because of me, because m-me she died.I have b-been a so naughty, when we were at the front of the café in France.I s-suddenly left her, she was trying to chase me but suddenly, some car b-bumped mom in front of the café.She was the o-only person who died in the accident.The driver is still alive and he's been arrested because of that." She said and already cried.I know how it feel, it hurts.It hurts so bad, our love one will die soon and so as we are.But we don't know when.

"I'll take you home."I suddenly said and dragged her outside where we performed." B-but I thought that you have-" She didn't finished when I suddenly spoke."Don't worry, I still have time."I said and call a taxi and there is one stop." In the 4 Star Academy, I'm gonna stay there today.My bag are in there to it's already unpacked up and settle in." She said when we get inside the Taxi.She still have the shy attitude and carring, and I don't want her to feel more sad because that I just leave her alone.I just took my Aikatsu mobile and text Yume.

To: Octopus

Let's meet at the big Christmas Tree in the 4 Star Academy.

"Who are you texting to?" Yurika ask me." Someone you don't know."I said and put my Aikatsu mobile in my pocket." Still annoy in my attitude?" She ask me, she's not crying anymore."A little, when your attitude is still like in 6th grade."I told her, while she was wiping her eyes with the handkerchief." Hahaha, then I will use my other attitude of mine so you will see how you see me back then.When we were little." She said and smiled like back then." Whatever."I said and look at the Window.We' re almost at the 4 star academy.

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