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✩Third Person✩

Lance McClain. Lance was a cocky idiot in Keith's opinion. He was always telling horrible jokes, always late for everything, constantly grating on his nerves. Lance may have a few talents, but using his brain was not one of them. Lance was always so self-absorbed that he never cared about anything else.

That same 'selfish' paladin was lying unconscious on the floor.

Lance was sprawled out on the dented metal floor of the castle, gashes and bruises littering his body. A plume of dust and smoke circled around the room, Lance lying in the center of it.

And that's when Keith lost it.

"LANCE!" Pidge cried, Hunk stopping dead in his tracks as he saw Lance on the ground. Shiro raced forewords, quickly picking Lance up carefully. Allura gently helped Coran up from the debris. "What happened?" Allura asked, the older man leaning on her for support. Coran grimaced. "I-I don't quite know. There was a robot, and then Lance just dove in front me and pushed me away-" Coran stopped as he realized what had happened. Shiro's eyes were full of worry as he looked up from Lance's beaten body.

"He doesn't look good."

Keith stood locked in place, a million thoughts racing through his head. Lance had saved Coran from the blast of the bomb by throwing himself in harms way.

Keith didn't understand.

Lance only cared about himself, so why did he save Coran's life by risking his own? And in that moment, everything snapped into place. Lance wasn't the person Keith thought him to be. Keith stepped out of the shadows.

"Well, let's get him to a healing pod."

Allura shook her head. "Without our system's main power offline, the pods are out of use." Keith felt his chest tighten slightly. Why? Shiro picked up Lance and started across the room, earning a pained groan from the Blue Paladin.

Keith narrowed his eyes as he saw a darkened spot on Lance's armor. He rushed forwards, quickly tugging away the blue protective gear. Keith's eyes widened as his gloves came away stained with red.

"He's bleeding." Keith whispered, and Shiro froze. Keith carefully peeled back Lance's armor, everyone coming to a halt as something hit the floor with a light thip. A drop of blood. More followed suit, forming a trail as Shiro ran down the hallways, Keith tightly clutching his sword in one hand, Lance's bayard in the other. Galra soldiers poured in through the open doors of the castle, but Keith didn't care.

No, he was far to angry to care.

Keith sliced down soldier after soldier, taking his anger out with each stroke.

He was angry at the Galra for blowing up the castle.

He was angry at himself for not being there to help.

He was angry at Lance for doing something so stupid.

Allura led the way to an empty room, pulling a medical kit from a shelf with great haste. "Quickly, lay him over there." She pointed to a metal table. Shiro didn't hesitate, lying Lance on the table and quickly wiping away the blood on his skin to see the wound.

In Lance's abdomen there laid a hole.

Shiro and Allura quickly wrapped Lance in bandages, barely turning around before they were stained with red.

"I don't know if he's going to make it." She whispered, looking at the ground. Keith walked to Lance's side. "You better make it, Lance." Keith growled, "Or I'll kill you."

Because maybe Keith loved Lance a little too much to let him go.

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