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♡Thank you so much for 61K!! I love you guys so much, sorry for the late update, I have a lot of stuff going on right now :')♡

-Lance's POV-

"Now, team, this will be a difficult mission. We have no clue what lays on the other side of that ship." Allura's voice rang clear through the lion's audio. "Once you're in, there's no turning back." I nodded, taking a deep breath.

"We're so gonna die."

I muttered under my breath. "What?" Keith asked over the comm. "Nothing, Mullet!" I sighed, "Just pilot!" Keith's grumbling could be heard over the audio as we gently landed on the ship, disembarking stealthily. "We all know the plan?" Shiro nodded, stern. "Split up in pairs and meet back in the hangar." I nodded in agreement, cocking my gun.

"Let's blow this popsicle stand."

I whispered, taking off with Pidge as Shiro, Keith, and Hunk veered off to the right, carefully dodging the alarm triggers. "Alright, Lance, just keep me covered while I do this." Pidge's voice rang in the halls. "Yep. Gotcha Pidgeon." I smiled. Pidge pulled up blueprints to the Galra Cruiser, and I shot down a sentry before he could notify the entire fleet. "Just turn right up here," the green Paladin ordered, "And grab and go. Remember, this info is vital to our side in this war." I turned the corner, and shots blazed in the air.
-Keith's POV-

Allura underexaggerated this particular mission. I twisted on my heel and embedded my sword into a Galra's chest, panting slightly as Shiro and I fought to get to the meeting point, Pidge have messaged us that she and Lance had gotten ahold of the Galra's mainframe software. "NOW!" Shiro roared, and I took of sprinting down the hall, skidding to a stop in the meeting room, only to be met with a small army of Galra.

By small I meant 100.

Lance and Pidge stumbled in, Hunk and Shiro appearing behind. "Ohhh." Lance clucked, "This is bad." I raised my Bayard, and the other followed suit. "Clear out as many as you can, or at least enough to get back to your lions." Shiro stated clearly over the helmet comms. I tightened my grip on my Bayard, charging forwards. I activated my shield, bullets spraying everywhere as the others began to fight.

"Crap! Lance, look out!"

I turned to see the others cornered, Galra in to close a range for Lance to use his sniper. Shiro and I quickly joined the other Paladins, back to back. "There's no way we can get out of this at the rate they're flooding in!" Pidge yelled, green eyes wide with terror. "Don't-Don't think like that. We'll be fine. We'll get out of this, okay?" Shiro's voice wavered. I sliced through soldier after soldier, arms burning. I heard a hiss as Lance's gun was flung out of his grasp. Hunk squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the inevitable death that awaited us all. My eyes widened as I saw Lance hold up his fists.

"What the Quiznak?"

Lance took a deep breath, eyes shining with immense determination. Lance swung, his fists cracking as they came into contact with the Galra, it's purple body crumpling to the ground. Pidge froze as Lance immediately turned on his heel and lashed out with his leg, a killer roundhouse kick taking out several soldiers. Blue fists rebounded, slamming into the chests and heads of Purple soldiers with alarming speed. I stood frozen as Lance vaulted over a Galra's shoulder, using the momentum to flip him over and slam his knee into his abdomen.

The Galra dropped like a stone.

Lance was an unbeatable force, his fists a deadly omen. Hunk stood shaking as Lance's face grew cold and stoic, his eyes an icy blue as soldier after soldier fell victim to his armored hands.


Shiro sounded uncertain. Lance ignored him, his fist burrowing into a Galra's head, sending the purple body to the cold metal floor. I stepped towards him, eyes wide. "How?" My voice sounded small, even to me. Lance ducked as a large group of Galra surged forwards. The Blue Paladin dodged all attacks with his own carefully thrown punches, sweeping his opponents off of their feet with a brutal flip kick that left them incapitated. A purple balled hand slammed into Lance's side.

He didn't even flinch.

Hunk took a step towards the roaring fury of the Blue Paladin, snapping Shiro into motion. The Black Paladin sliced through several soldiers. The rest of us followed, numb with shock. We fought for what felt like an eternity, ears buzzing with static.

"Die in the name of the Empire!"

A voice howled, and I turned to see a soldier with a gun pressed to Lance's chest. Pidge's face dropped, and she ran forwards. Lance didn't move as the Galra's hand closed around the trigger. "LANCE, MOVE YOU IDIOT!" Pidge yelled. Lance simply whirled around and thrust his fist into the soldier's head jaw, the Galra's head snapping back with a pained yelp.


Lance stood in the middle of the empty hangar, fists still frozen in the position of his last punch. I narrowed my eyes and stalked towards him. Lance finally moved, slowly.

"What the quiznak was that?"

I growled, the others stopping in front of the Blue Paladin. Lance didn't respond, taking his gloves off to reveal bloody knuckles.

"I haven't done that in a while."

Lance said, wincing slightly as he flexed his fingers. Pidge stared at him wide wide eyes. "How are your hands not broken?" She whispered, eying Lance's hands that were stained red. Lance turned away, slipping his gloves back on.

"Proper formation and fundamentals."

He said, walking to his Bayard, dusting the sleek metal off.

"Learned it in the ring."

Shiro stiffened as Lance clipped his gun to his belt. "W-What do you mean?" Hunk's voice shook. Lance sighed, looking away.

"I'm the best boxer in Cuba."

His voice was steel.

"Or was, anyway."

I stumbled backwards, brain reeling. Shiro stated at Lance with wide eyes visible through his visor. "Y-You're what?" Lance glanced over at me. "I'm a boxer. Champion of Cuba three times over." Pidge stared at the Blue Paladin, mouth agape. Hunk simply dropped his Bayard, the loud thump echoing over the dry hangar air. Lance began to walk over to his Lion, Blue standing up on her own. "Why did you never tell us?!" My voice was like a firecracker in the dead silence. Lance stopped. "Never seemed important." Hunk looked at Pidge, both of their faces drawn back in shock. "How did we not know that about you? I thought we were the Garrison Trio?" Her voice shook. Lance laughed, eyes flashing an icy blue.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Pigeon."

Lance gave a ghost of a smile,

"And my fists are just one of them."

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