Return -Part 1-

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-Lance's POV-

Everything was dark in this cell. No window, no light, no time. How long had I been here? A day? A month? A year? I didn't know, and that was terrifying. A small whimper escaped my lips as I drug myself into a sitting position, wincing as white-hot pain sparked through my body.

Man, the Galra knew how to do some damage.

Tomi, my alien cell roommate, walked over to me, kneeling down besides me. "L-Lance?" He whispered, antennae drooping in worry. I gave a weak smile. "I'm okay buddy." Tomi looked away, guilt washing over his face. "Hey, it's okay. I'm Lance McClain, I'm the strongest man alive." I joked, fighting the urge to pass out. Tomi curled into a ball besides me, silent. I sighed, immediately regretting it when I felt something shift in my chest. There was a tense silence before the corridor exploded into action, literally. The doors at the end of the hall came flying off their hinges, gunfire filling the room. "H-help!" I groaned, trying to get the attention of whoever was attacking. Tomi immediately ran to the front of the cell, pulling on the bars. "HELP!" He screamed, "HELP US!" Voices echoed down the halls over the sound of gunfire. A figure dressed in red appeared in my vision, and I sharply inhaled. "K-Keith?" I whispered. The figure froze, and slowly turned to face Tomi and I. There was a spark of movement, and a sword sliced through the bars of the cage, the figure stepping through the gap. "Keith?" I said as loudly as I could muster, which wasn't very loud. "L-Lance? Oh my god!" Keith yelled, rushing over to us. His figure swam in my eyesight. "I must be hallucinating." I muttered, squinting to try and get a clearer look at the shape in front me. Keith's eyes narrowed. "Guys I-I found Lance." There was a brief hesitation before voices exploded into hearing range. "Oh my quiznak." Pidge muttered. "GET HIM OUT OF THERE!" A voice yelled, probably Shiro. Keith grabbed my arm, "Lance we have to go." I yelped and pulled my arm away. "What? What's wrong with you?" Keith said, exasperated.

I realized that he couldn't clearly see me in the dull light.

I grabbed Tomi's arm, and struggled to lift myself into a standing position. Tomi grimaced and helped me move out into the hallway, where Keith's eyes widened and he froze.

Yep, there it was.

The way he took in my condition. "Oh my god, oh my god." Keith muttered, horrified. "Yeah, yeah. I know. Listen Keith, you need to promise me that you'll get Tomi out, okay?" I said. Keith opened his mouth to respond, when I felt a wave of pain wash over me. I doubled over, gasping for air, coughing out a slimy substance.


I fell to my knees, Tomi shaking in horror. Keith raced over and picked me up, mindful of my injures. He ran down the halls, Tomi racing alongside us. I tried to keep my eyes open, but darkness consumed me.
-Keith's POV-

I was going to kill those sick b*stards. I ran down the halls, holding Lance's limp body wedding style. A little alien ran besides us, I assumed he was Tomi. I skidded around the corner and raced through a set of doors, running up into Red's mouth. I sunk into the pilots chair, grabbing the controls and blasting out into space. "Guys, I have Lance and am heading to your location." I said over the coms, flying towards the open wormhole. I sighed in relief as I passed through. "Lance, we've-" I stopped as I realized that Lance wasn't moving.

"Sh*t." I growled, noticing the blood that ran down his head.

I urged Red to go faster, and we arrived at the Castle not 2 minutes later. I docked Red and gently picked Lance up, walking down the ramp and into the hangar.

In the harsh light of the castle, Lance looked even worse.

I slowly turned the corner to see the others standing in a cluster, anxiously glancing at the clock. "Guys." I said, my voice like a gunshot. They turned around. They each cringed. I set Lance down on a medical table, stepping away.

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