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-Lance's POV-

We had just saved the Gloranthians from a fleet of Galra ships, and now the Queen was taking us into her crystal palace or something. I grinned. "Hey Hunk, what do you think it'll be like inside?" He shrugged. "Dunno. I hope they have good food." His face went all spacey. I laughed. The queen stopped in front of a large set of Crystal doors. She turned around.

"My name is Crystalinthi. I am the Queen of the Gloranthians. I am much indebted to you, Paladins of Voltron, for setting us free from the reign of terror the Galra controlled us by." Her face lit up in an unearthly glow. "I must purify you before you enter my kingdom." Allura frowned. "What is this 'purification'?" She asked. Crystalinthi smiled. "I will purge you of any negative thoughts. After my people were subjected to the Galra's negative energy for so long, I would prefer not to have them exposed to it again." She explained.

My smile faltered.

Shiro nodded. "Alright." Crystalinthi approached Shiro and laid a hand on his head. Her eyes closed, and she floated upwards, her forehead lighting up with a glowing third eye. "Whoah." I gasped. Crystalinthi pulled away, and Shiro smiled, looking like a weight was lifted off of his shoulders. "Thank you." He breathed. Crystalinthi repeated the process with Allura, Coran, Pidge, Hunk, and Keith. When she approached me, I looked away nervously. "What is the matter, Paladin?" She asked. I shook my head. "Nothing. Good Luck." I muttered. Crystalinthi placed her hand on my head, and I stood there. Crystalinthi's third eye narrowed. She backed away.

"I-I don't understand." She gasped, "I can't fix you."

I forced a smile. "It's okay." Shiro pushed forwards. "What do you mean?" He asked, concerned. Crystalinthi's bright glow dulled. "He has too many negative emotions. They fill him up." She clenched her hands into dainty fists. "I shall try again." She placed her hand on me yet again, and I was aware of the pressing stares of my teammates. I ignored them. Crystalinthi flinched and cried out as the bright aura that surrounded her darkened to a black. "I'm sorry," she whispered, "I am so very sorry." I looked away. "It's okay. There's nothing you can do." I said softly. Keith narrowed his eyes. "What's happening!" He growled. Crystalinthi's hands wiped at her eyes.

"I have never met a being filled with so much darkness." Her voice wavered, "I cannot fix him." I felt the stares of my friends. "Lance." Shiro said cautiously, "What does she mean?" I looked at the ground. "Doesn't matter." I muttered. "Like, darkness as in killing intent?" Pidge asked. Crystalinthi shook her head.

"No. He does have some killing intent, but it is directed at no one but himself."

I flinched. Everyone's eyes widened. I laughed. "It's okay." I smiled. "I'll just stay out here with Blue. You have fun. I'll be fine." I turned and faced Crystalinthi. "Thank you," I whispered, "For trying." And with that, I headed back towards Blue.
-Keith's POV-

I cannot fix him.

They fill him up.

So much darkness

Killing intent.....directed at himself.

It's okay. I'll stay out here.

Thank you, for trying.

My thoughts clashed in my head like a thunderstorm. The dining hall was strangely quiet without Lance. "So." Pidge broke the silence. "We should talk about the elephant in the room." I nodded. "He couldn't be fixed." Allura muttered, "What does that mean?" Hunk set his fork down. "She said he had killing intent towards himself." His voice shook. "And that means.." He trailed off. "He wants to kill himself." I said bluntly. Hunk flinched, eyes filling with tears. "This is lance we're talking about." Pidge spoke softly, "That can't be right." 

"He's talked to me sometimes."

Coran spoke suddenly. "He'd wander around the castle in the very early morning. He always told me not worry when I asked him about it."

"What do we really know about Lance?" I questioned. Everyone was silent. "We know he has a family back on Earth. We know he went to the Garrison. But that's really it." Shiro stated. My eyes widened. "Have you ever noticed how he never likes being in a room alone?" I threw it out there. "Or how he always flinches when we go in to give him a high-five." "Or how he always looks exhausted in the morning." Hunk's face paled.

"Or how he always wears long sleeves." He whispered. I froze.

"Y-You don't think-" Pidge's voice cracked. I looked away. "I don't know."
-Lance's POV-

I sat atop Blue, helmet discarded to my left. I stared at the stars, a cool breeze ruffled my hair. "The stars look so close." I whispered. Blue rumbled underneath me. "I'm fine girl."

I cannot fix him.

So much darkness.

Killing intent.

I'm so very sorry.

I gave a hollow laugh. "Quiznak," I muttered, "There I go." I felt tears slide down my face. I wrapped my arms around my knees, lying my head ontop of my knees. "Weak." I muttered, "Weak." I squeezed my eyes closed, attempting to dispel the tears. I heard footsteps, and a voice. "Blue, it's me. Keith. Where's Lance?" I sucked in air. No, not Keith. I took a deep breath. Blue rumbled, and I felt the hatch to the roof open, and I heard someone climb the ladder. I lifted my head and stared at the moon.

If Keith was coming up here, he may as well see me as the mess I am.

Boots echoed on the metal of Blue. "Hey." Keith said, sitting down besides me. His legs dangled over the edge of Blue's head. "Hey." I whispered, "What are you doing up here?" He sighed. "It's not fair that you have to be out here alone," he shrugged,

"So I came out here to change that."

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