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\\IMPORTANT: this one-shot takes place at the end of season 1/beginning of season 2 when Voltron is torn apart and scattered, mmmk?\\

-Third Person POV-

"Great! We have only one paladin left to find!" Allura cheered. Hunk sighed and plopped down on the couch. "Yep, Lance." Pidge sat on the floor, eyes scrolling the length of her laptop screen. Shiro ran a hand through his hair, Keith rolling his eyes angrily. "Can we just... Take a break? I'm sure that blue idiot is fine." Keith muttered. Pidge glared. Coran shook his head. "Alas red paladin, we mustn't hesitate to find Lance. Anything could've happened." Allura gravely nodded. "We must be able to form Voltron." Shiro turned around. "Have we found anything?" Pidge shook her head, frowning. "It's only been 5 days, and with 4 of the lions here, the connection should be strong enough to sense blue and Lance." Hunk sat up. "I feel a 'but' coming on." Pidge gave an angry huff. "But they're not showing up on our maps anywhere." Shiro's eyes briefly narrowed. "So that means that Blue's either offline or captured." He paused, "Neither are good." "Whoah, we need to find Lance! He's my best bud, my bro, my-" Keith cut Hunk off. "We get it." There was a moment of silence before a sharp whine filled the castle. "W-what is that?" Hunk asked, eyes wide. "I-It sounds like...... A lion." Allura breathed. The whine grew louder, Keith's eyes widening as he felt the pulse of a connection.

"It's Blue."

Allura was pale. "What is it princess?" Shiro asked, concerned. "Without the blue lion in our presence, it should be impossible for her to share her feelings and thoughts." Allura's hands shook, "Only the Paladin with the strongest bond with their lion can send a signal from a great distance." Allura quickly whipped around and ferociously stabbed at the keyboard, a grainy video popping up. "What the heck is that?" Pidge called from the floor. "I-It's from Blue." Another sharp whine coursed from the surrounding walls.

Hit play.

An anxious voice called,

Hit play.

"That's blue. How is she speaking to anyone other than her paladin?" Allura mumbled as she hit play.

A shaky voice filled the room.

"H-Hey. This is Lance McClain." The screen formed into a shaky image of Lance in his pilot chair, holding a recording device. "And I'm currently stuck on a not-so-nice planet." Hunk shot up from the couch, clutching his helmet tightly.

All eyes were on the screen.

"This is just a video in case I don't make it." Keith growled, "Drama Queen." "I've always loved the stars," Lance's wavering voice filled every molecule of air, "I always wanted to be among them. And here I am," he laughed, "Fighting as the Blue Paladin of Voltron to save the universe." Lance looked at his surroundings as his lion's controls started to flash a deep red. "Hunk, you've been a great friend. Thanks for always being there when I needed it." Hunk's eyes were shining with tears. Everyone was in shock from the dark turn the video had made. "Pidge, you little gremlin, thanks for being my lil' space sis." Pidge gritted her teeth, hands clutching her laptop like her life depended on it. "Shiro," Lance paused, "It's been an honor fighting by your side. You've been my role-model for as long as I could remember. Thanks for being a great leader and taking care of the team." Shiro looked away. "Allura. Man, you're one of a kind. Keep being awesome, okay?" Allura frantically typed on her keyboard, eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Coran. Thank you for listening when no one else would. You have no clue how much that meant to me." Coran sniffled. Lance paused.


Keith's eyes widened, and his head snapped up. "Thanks for putting up with me, somewhat." Lane laughed, but it turned into a coughing fit. He raised his hand to mouth before grimacing and wiping his glove on his armor. "It was nice to have a rival, to have someone help you improve at everything you did. If-if I don't make it-" Lance stopped. "If I don't make it, I want you to tell my family back on earth, okay?" Keith's eyes widened in shock. "Thanks. Although I don't know if you're ever going to see this video. I hope you do, because I'd look pretty stupid if you didn't." Lance took a shaky breath. "Blue is the most kind and accepting lion of the pack. If I don't make it, I want Allura to pilot her." Allura gasped and roughly wiped at her cheeks. On the video, Blue rumbled, and Lance smiled. "It's okay Blue. S-She'll take really good care of you." A loud beeping filled the background, and Lance winced. "I don't have much time." Lance's eyes watered, and he gave a tired grin. "I love you guys. You're my space family. Never forget that." A sudden screech filled the audio, and Lance toppled out of his chair, the recording device falling from his hand and landing on the floor.

The screen went black.

-Third Person-

Silence was the predominant sound in the castle. "D-Did you track the coordinates that video was sent from?" Pidge's voice wobbled as tears streamed down her face. "Y-Yes. I did it before I played the video. We should be landing soon." Allura's face was pale, her eyes full of sadness.

"Why did Lance talk like he was going to die?"

Hunk was sobbing, terror evident in his question. "Let's find out," Shiro said softly, "Suit up."

-Third Person-

Keith knew something was terribly wrong when he first laid eyes on Blue. Blue was lying in a crater, a deep molten gash ripping through her side, scorching the metal and damaging the controls. "Quiznak." Keith muttered, flying in low. Once the 4 lions landed, the Yellow, Green, Red, And Black Paladins ran towards the blue lion's mouth with the 2 Alteans trailing behind. "Hey girl," Keith whispered, placing his hands on the barrier, "Please let us in. We're here to help." Blue gave a faint mewl before her eyes flickered out and the barrier dissolved. Hunk slowly climbed up the ramp and entered the cockpit, cold silence following in the others.

There on the floor laid Lance.

Lance was curled up in a ball, one hand resting on his side, where thick red blood coated the floor and was stuck to the walls. His paladin armor was torn, a deep gash embedded in his abdomen. The recorder laid discarded by his feet. A trail of blood was smeared across Lance's face, but he was smiling. His beautiful blue eyes were glassy and unseeing.

"Oh my god." Keith dropped to his knees besides Lance, tears trailing down his chin when he realized Lance wasn't breathing. "I'm so sorry." He sobbed, the others crying and yelling Lance's name. Keith's heart broke as he realized how Lance had died.

Lance's right arm was outstretched towards the corner of the cockpit, his cold fingers barely brushing a worn edge of a picture.

A picture of Lance and his Space Family.

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