I'll Be Your Shield

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-Lance's POV-

"Shiro! 5'o-clock!" I yelled, blasting through soldier after soldier. "Seriously," I grumbled, "When will we learn that 'simple recon missions' never STAY recon?!" I whirled around, slamming my Bayard into the skull of a Galra, sending its body to the floor. We were seriously outnumbered and at a tactical disadvantage. The chances of us all making it out of here alive were very slim. "Anyone got a plan?" I asked desperately through the com. "Uh, still working on that." Pidge yelped. I shot another squadron of soldiers down, moving inwards towards the center of the room, towards the others. I peeked around the corner of the box I was hiding behind, heart stopping.

Pidge was seriously outnumbered.

"PIDGE!" I yelled, scrambling to my feet and bowling her out of the way, pain flaring in my left shoulder. "Ugh." I winced, stumbling. I pressed my hand to the wound, but it only coated my glove in red. I shakily raised my Bayard and continued shooting, clearing a path for Pidge. "Lance!" Pidge yelled. "Guys, Lance is hit!" She stated over the com. "I'm fine." I said, cutting off the others. "Let's just focus on getting to an escape pod." I smiled at Pidge. "It's clear. Let's go." I hurried through the gap in the sea of Galra warriors, covering Pidge. "Lance, why-why'd you take the bullet for me?" Pidge whimpered. "Cause you're my teammate, and that's what we do." I smiled. We burst through the main ranks, the others finally visible once again. "Lance!" Hunk yelled. I whipped around, smashing my weapon into a Galra's chest. "Hey." I gasped, flicking my eyes to Keith. "Keith!" I shot wildly at a soldier who had his gun aimed at Keith, one shot hitting him square in the chest. I felt a knife slice through my side, and I hissed. A yellow laser tore through my attackers armor, putting him down. "T-Thanks Hunk." I smiled weakly. "No problem, buddy!" Hunk responded. Keith shouted over the fray, "Thanks Lance." I laughed. I turned, only to be met with tens of guns aimed at our faces. "Surrender, Voltron." The commander growled. Shiro froze. There was no way we could get out of this alive, right? I took a deep breath.


I laughed. "As long as I'm still breathing, I'm making sure that my team isn't touched by Zarkon's forces." I grinned. "And I'm still breathing, aren't I?" I felt the wide stares of my teammates directed at me. "Lance! Stand down! This isn't time for your games!" Keith hissed. I sauntered up to the commander, the only thought in my mind was keeping my team safe.

My family safe.

"Lance!" Shiro yelled, "Are you insane? Get away from him!" I stood in front of the commander, looking him in the eyes.

"Aren't I?"

I raised my Bayard and shot him through the chest, laughing as he fell limply to the ground. "Who's next?" I asked lazily, hand on my hip. I only had one thought burning in my mind,  keeping them safe. Everything else was blocked out.


I frowned. "No one? How disappointing." I pulled the trigger back in rapid succession, the front row of soldiers falling to the floor. "Are you stupid?!" One of the soldiers yelled. I grinned. "Of course not." I laughed, "I'm just not afraid to die." I shot forwards, my gun an extension of my arm, together we were an unstoppable force, tearing through the Galra ranks like they were paper. I paused amidst the chaos, running up to my teammates, who hadn't moved. "Don't tell me you're stuck!" I joked, coming to a halt in front of them. Shiro stared at me, eyes wide. "Cat got your tounge?" I teased, snapping my Bayard behind me and shooting an incoming soldier. Hunk was pale, staring at me with his mouth gaping wide. I sighed and turned, staring down the soldiers.


I snarled, standing between my team and their many guns. I looked behind me. "Do you see that escape pod?" I said, pointing at the ship. "You get on that thing, and you get back to the princess and her castle, okay?" Pidge finally snapped out of her stupor. "W-what about you?" I grinned. "I'll figure it out. I turned around, "Bring it on." I laughed.

And bullets rained down on us.

I slammed my Bayard into the ground, a glowing blue light exploding outwards.

Safe. I had to keep them safe.
-Pidge's POV-

Lance was unstoppable. One moment he was bleeding from his shoulder, the next he had killed the commander and half of his troops.

Who was this person?

Lance tore through the soldiers, determination shining in his eyes.
"You get on that thing and fly back to the princess and her castle, okay?" Lance said, blood running down the length of his armor from the bullet wound in his shoulder and the gash in his side.

He was the only one who had any injuries.

He had taken the bullet for me and the knife for Keith. "Bring it on." Lance snarled, and the soldiers fired. Hundreds of bullets flew towards us, and I tensed, waiting for inevitable. Lance slammed his Bayard into the ground, and a bright flash of Blue filled the room. When my eyes finally adjusted, I stumbled backwards In surprise. Lance's Bayard was no longer a gun, but a huge shield. Lance was on his knees besides his bayard, jaw clenched as hundreds of Galran projectiles slammed into his shield, rebounding. "L-Lance?" I stuttered, "How? He gave a weak smile.

"I have to keep you safe."

He panted. Shiro stepped forwards. "Go." Lance whispered. "Quickly! I'd love to say that I could keep this shield up forever, but that's not the case." Lance gasped, staggering to his feet.

No one moved.

"We're not leaving you!" Hunk cried, eyes wet with tears. "We're all going to die if you don't get out of here." Lance stated. "I'll be right behind you." He started to run towards the pod, keeping the shield In front of us. I started to sprint, the others in hot pursuit. I clambered into the pod, the others inside within seconds. "Alright, let's go-" I cut Keith off. "Where's Lance?" I asked, panicked. I looked out the back, seeing Lance surrounded. "LANCE!" I cried, scrambling towards the exit. Lance smiled sadly before throwing his Bayard at the pod, thrusting it into the controls and slamming the doors shut.

"NOOOOOO! LET ME OUT! LET US OUT!" I screamed, pounding on the window.

"Space Family." Lance mouthed, the pod taking off, leaving Lance in the Galra Ship.

Lance smiled as the bullets tore into him.

The hangar to the ship closed shut, and Lance McClain was no more.

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