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-Third Person POV-

"Lance?" Hunk whimpered, stepping closer to the receding figure dressed in blue, "What's going on?" The figure turned around slowly, blue eyes icy. "I'm going to stay with you guys." Lance's voice was hard. "Lance, get away from him! He'll kill you!" Shiro barked, hand glowing purple. "My, my." A purple stature laughed, "It's been quite some time, Blue." A Galran commander stepped into view, yellow eyes narrowed. "Likewise." Lance growled, finger resting on his Bayard's trigger. "Wait, you 2 know each other?" Pidge gasped, grip tight on her weapon. "You here to try and kill me? It's not going to happen with your unstable mind." The Galra grinned. "Lance is NOT unstable!" Keith snarled, body tensing. Lance froze, gaze shifting to the commander.

"Who told you I was stable?"

Lance muttered, cocking his gun. The others doubled over in shock, and Lance sighed, reaching into his utility pocket on his hip, laughing,

"I'm far from it."

Lance twirled a sharp object in his hand, fingers weaving gracefully around the metal edges. The Commander grinned toothily, fangs glistening in the light. Lance's wrist flicked forwards, and metal flashed through the air, burrowing into the wall millimetres from the Commander's head. "Huh." Lance tsked, "I missed." A second throwing star sliced through the air, skidding through the Galra's flesh, creating a deep burrow that ran through his arm.

"You've improved."

The Galran soldier grunted. Lance grinned, his eyes flashing a deep red. "I have a mission to complete for my team." Lance hissed, "So thanks for the compliment, but I really need you dead." Lance shrugged as his blue bullet tore through the Galra's chest, his limp body thudding gently to the ground. "Now then." Lance huffed, "I'm out of here." Lance strutted across the room, eyes emitting a dull red. "Lance, what the hell was that?" Keith yelled, storming over to the Blue Paladin. Lance shoved past him, irritation flitting across his face briefly, "I need to go," Lance growled, "So move." Lance trotted up to the control center, and he spoke into the audio system that ran through the ship.

"Ready for extraction."

Lance stated, voice booming over the comm. Keith launched himself at Lance, his right fist making contact with Lance's face, his head snapping back. "YOU IDIOT!" Keith roared, "WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!" Lance shoved Keith off of him. "The doors are open," He gestured to the open hangar doors leading to open space, "So go. No one will stop you." Lance turned, posture stiff.

"I've got a family to get back to."

The doors slammed open, Lotor and his generals parading in. "Lance!" Axca shrieked, "You're back!" A smile grew on Ezor's face, "We've missed you!" The 2 girls ungulfed Lance in a hug. Lance laughed, hugging them back. "I'm back, and with the information to help us win." Lance waved lightly at Lotor, who waved back. The other Paladins were frozen on the spot, hearts shattering into a million pieces. "How could you?" Pidge whispered, eyes wide. "They appreciate me." Lance said, petting Zethrid's ears, "They're my family." Keith stepped forwards, "No, Lance, We're your family." Lance's eyes narrowed. "All you've ever done is used me as your punching bag." Lance's voice was cold,

"You're nothing but background noise."

Lance smiled, retreating from the room with Lotor and his generals, leaving a gaping hole in the hearts of the others.

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