Darkened Ones

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《This contains some triggering content, darling. Anxiety, depression, self-harm, suicidal thoughts/actions, and PTSD will be mentioned. Read carefully》

-Third Person-

"AHHHHHH!" Voltron screamed as it was hammered by Haggar's magic, flinging apart 5 different colored lions. "Paladins! Retreat!" Allura's voice yelped through the comms. There was a moment of silence before Keith's voice filtered over the comm. "What? No way! We've come this far!" He growled, the anger radiating off of him in waves. There was static before Allura's commanding voice sliced through the silence.

"Retreat. Now."

Shiro nodded, 5 lions flying through a wormhole, skidding to a halt in the castle's hangar. "This is ridiculous." Keith growled, stalking towards Allura. "Now Zarkon will think that we're weak because we fled!" Shiro glared at Keith, helmet tucked underhand. "Keith, that's enough." Lance laughed half-heartedly. "Coran," his face slowly fell, "What's happening?" The team looked at Lance, concerned. "What do you mean, Lance?" Lance shivered, "C-Can't you feel it?" Lance looked away. "Feel what?" Pidge asked, confused.

"Feel it." Lance whispered.

Hunk shrugged. "Lance, buddy, it was a difficult battle. We all need rest." He smiled. Lance laughed, "Yeah. Yeah. I don't know what I'm doing." Shiro cracked a smile, Keith glowering at the group.

"See you in the morning. Get some rest." Shiro hummed, walking out of the hangar, the rest of the team trailing after him.
-Hunk's POV-

I groaned as my alarm blared to life in my ear, and I slowly moved out of bed, slamming the off button on the cursed clock, silencing it. I yawned and looked around my room, a shadow catching my eye, hidden in the corner of the room. I squinted, and I screamed.

"Holy Quiznak!" I yelped, stumbling backwards as the shadow materialized, walking into the light. It was a perfect clone of me, only complete static.

"Hello, Hunk." It grinned.

"It's nice to meet you."
-Third Person-

Everyone was late to breakfast.

First to arrive was Shiro, a static outline trailing behind him. Keith was next, a copy of himself by his side. Hunk and Pidge slowly walked in, not used to the static carbon copies of themselves at their back. Allura skipped in, grinning. "Paladins, I have-" She froze.

"Oh, dear."

She whispered, face pale. "This doesn't look good. Let's run some tests, see if we can find out what's happening."
"Is this weird? I mean, I'm totally creeped out by this. Are you?" Hunk ranted, glancing at his static self. Pidge shrugged. "It's kind of cool," she said, "But mostly creepy." Allura muttered as she zoomed in on the screen, frowning. "This can't be right...." she mumbled. "Princess? What is it?" Shiro asked, glaring at his other self, who smirked in return.

"It says here that when Haggar hit you with her magic, she cursed you as well." She ran a hand through her hair. "Evidently those copies are your greatest insecurity or fear." She glanced at the Paladins. "Do you have any idea what yours are?" She asked cautiously. Shiro's copy laughed hoarsly. "I'm Shiro's PTSD, obviously." He grinned. Shiro tensed. "Anxiety." Hunk's static grumbled, "Night Terrors." Pidge's clone hissed, "Loneliness." Keith's sighed. Everyone cringed, looking at each other.

These were their insecurities?

They were knocked out of their line of thought as a figure slowly staggered in, his blue eyes wide with surprise. "G-Guys? What's happening? Tell me you can fix this Allura. Please, tell me that this will be over soon enough." Lance groaned. Hunk frowned. "Where's your?...." he trailed off. Lance flinched. "I hope you weren't talking about me." A voice chuckled.

A solid black figure appeared beside Lance, only white pits visible on its face, glowing through the dark aura that surrounded it. Neon blue cuts littered the shadow's arms, standing out against the solid black of it's smoky body. It grinned. "I'd hate to miss out on this."

Lance slumped over, running a hand through his hair. Silence hung in the air. "Lance, why-why is yours black? All of ours," Pidge gestured to the floating figures, "Are static." Lance didn't answer. "What are you supposed to be?" Keith grumbled, staring at the smoky shadow. Lance paled. "Um, can we not talk about this?" He whispered. Hunk frowned. "Lance, what's on his arms?" Lance flinched. "It's not important, can we just-" Lance was cut off as his shadow grinned, pushing forwards. "They want to know, Lancey Lance." The shadow laughed, a dark sound.

"I'm Lance's depression."

He grinned, "And a few added bonuses." Lance flinched and looked away. Shiro's eyes grew wide, and everyone froze.

"W-What do you mean, 'depression'?" Pidge whimpered. "What added bonuses?" Keith whispered, suddenly aware of how realistic the situation was. Lance sighed, muttering something under his breath. His shadow smirked and whispered something in his ear, causing him to shudder. "Oh you know. The panic attacks, the cutting, the suicidal thoughts. All of the good stuff, here to haunt Lance in the flesh." His darkness shifted, "Isn't that right, Lance?" Lance stared straight ahead, eyes glazed over.

Everyone was silent as their breath caught in their chests. "W-what?" Hunk choked. Lance startled back to reality, looking confused at our horrified expressions. "Hey, you guys okay?" He asked gently, voice filled with concern. Keith was frozen, eyes wide with disbelief. "Um, was it something I said?" Lance asked quietly. Lance's shadow rolled his eyes. "Isn't it always, idiot?" He muttered. Lance stiffened slightly.

Shiro moved slowly, afraid like he would frighten the deer in the headlights: Lance. "Lance," He said gently, "Is what he said true?" Lance tilted his head to the side. "Hmm?" Shiro reached out and softly grabbed Lance's wrist. Lance's eyes widened.

"Shiro, please let go of my wrist."

Lance said, voice cold. Shiro's face fell. "Lance, it's-" Lance cut him off. "Don't you DARE say 'it's okay'." Lance growled, "Nothing about this situation is okay." His voice was sharp. "We need to fix this." Lance yanked his arm out of Shiro's grasp, clutching it close to his chest. Lance's shadow grinned. "I wonder how quickly I can make you kill yourself." It mused, swirling around Lance, laughing.

Dark silence.

Lance shook his head, clasping his hands over his ears. "I swear, this is the worst day ever." His eyes were glued to the floor as his shadow whispered words into his ears, all sound echoing into a dull roar. The others seemed to realize what was happening, and they surged forwards, hands reaching out to Lance. Lance slowly slid to the floor, eyes wide and glazed over. "Stop it." He whispered, "Get out of my head!" Lance pulled his knees to his chest.

"Yes, that's it! It'll all be over soon."

Lance's shadow hissed, and Lance buried his face in his hands. "Soon." He muttered, his Bayard flying across the room and into the dark whirlwind. Keith's eyes grew large as realization hit him hard.

Lance had a gun while surrounded by his humanoid depression.

"LANCE!" Keith roared, pounding on the wall of darkness that surrounded Lance. Lance's hands shook as he reached for his Bayard, finger resting on the trigger and clicking the safety off. Lance's eyes were glazed over. "LANCE! PUT THE GUN DOWN!" Shiro yelled, pounding on the wall with no avail. "Do it Lance." His shadow hissed, "Everyone wants you dead. You only annoy them, distract them, screw things up." Lance flinched. "All the kids back on Earth wanted you dead as well." His shadow chuckled, "You've only caused problems from the very start." Keith's chest hitched as Lance's Bayard slowly moved towards his body.


Keith roared, tears trailing down his face. "DON'T YOU F*CKING DARE!" Lance stopped. "I-I can't leave." He whispered, "I have people." Lance's shadow hissed. "Really? Then why didn't they notice the cuts on your arms, the scars on your body, your sobs in the night?" The shadow leaned closer, sneering. Lance shook violently, breath quick and raspy.

"I can't-"

A gun went off.


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