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Disclaimer: Yo guys. Wasssuuuupppp.. Did you miss me? God IDK WTF IS WRONG WITH ME. So. I don't know what is going to happen with the books Sex and Falling, BUT. I do know that this book is ready for y'all to read. SO UNTIL I CAN FIGURE OUT MY WRITERS BLOCK FOR THOSE TWO STORIES. Read this one plzzzzzzz. Its gonna have A LOT of sex and smut. so Very Very Mature.  If you don't like that. Read something else bc ITS BEEN A WHILE SINCE I FELT LIKE I COULD WRITE THIS MUCH SO FREELY FOR SOME REASON OKAY.

 Also. The pic at the top, Thats Cat Selman and she is playing Madison in this book. Hope you enjoy :))

(ALSO I totally was going to change her name after like 3 chapters of writing this book.  BUT. I was too lazy so YAH. My bad. No offense, Its not that I don't like the Name Madison. Its just its a very very over used name these days)  

Madison's POV

I walk home from school, pissed off at Ryan for leaving me and not giving me a ride like he was supposed to.

As I near the house, I see his car is home so I prepare myself for the fight I am about to start with him.

I walk in and see him walking into the livingroom.

"You motherfucker" I said angrily, walking towards him.

"Oh hey sis what's up?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"You dick you left me at school!" I exclaimed

"So... you normally don't care about walking" he said chuckling

"RYAN ITS POURING OUTSIDE" I yelled hitting him in the chest.

"Bro that was kinda cruel." I hear a familiar voice.

"Shut it Dolan" I said, more pissed that he gave THEM a ride to our home and not me.

"Hey babe chill I'm on your side" Ethan said chuckling and I roll my eyes.

"I'm not your babe" I replied sternly, starting to walk past my brother to go upstairs to change from my soaked clothing.

"No. But you are baby king" He replied with his oh so famous smirk.  He always calls me that. 'Baby King.' Just because my last name is King and I am the youngest. 

"I said Shut It Dolan." I said and I hear a chuckle come from Grayson.

Ethan is a flirt.
Grayson however is a little more shy and keeps to himself a lot of times.

Grayson and I do not talk or anything, because like I said, he's shy. Not that I want to talk to him. I don't care about either of the Dolans.

Even though Grayson isn't on my bad side, he's not on my good side either. If that makes since.

I get to my room and I pick out a pair of comfy pajama shorts and then a tank top, and some new underwear.

I set my bag down, deciding to check if everything was ruined after my shower.

I grab my phone and see it's okay, which made me happy, and go to the bathroom that I share with Ryan.
I start the shower and turn music on my phone.

I strip of my cold, wet clothes and get into the hot shower.

I stand there for a minute, letting the warmth take over and shiver slightly from the contact, but quickly get used to it.

After a few minutes I begin to wash my hair and my body and once I finished I take my time to get out.

Once I finally felt like it, I get out of the shower and dry off. I pause the music.

I moisturize my body and then start getting dressed, when I hear the door creak coming from the direction of Ryan's room.

"Fuck off Dolan." I said, staying faced away as I pull my tank top on, already having my shorts on by now.

"Shit my bad, a few minutes too late." He said as I turned around, it obviously being Ethan.

"Nah I get it. I'm hot. Your not. How else are you supposed to get 'action' to tell your stupid little friends about? Gotta make it up In your little baby brain right? Let me guess it will be something like 'It was in the bathroom, she just walked in and came onto me, how could I refuse?'" I asked crossing my arms over my chest and raising an eyebrow, doing my best guy voice.

"Fuck off baby cakes, I had to pee, how was I to know you were still in here?" He said.

"Ah so you come through Ryan's door..? And not the hallway door..." I asked.

"Ethan stop fucking with her." I hear Grayson's voice with a sigh as he walks in through the hallway door.

"No harm no foul" Ethan replies with a smirk.

"Your literally perving on her when she showers dude." Grayson said

"Whatever." Ethan said scoffing and walking out.
"Thought you had to Pee?" I asked loud enough for him to hear.

"I guess my dick lied to me." He replied before continuing to leave.

I roll my eyes and turned to face Grayson.

"I'm sorry he does this stuff to you." He said looking down.

"Don't apologize for your brother's actions. He's not getting anywhere with them and I hope he knows that.." I said crossing my arms.

A blush appears on Grayson's cheeks for some reason.
"Ok well I'll leave you alone.." he said turning around.

"Thank You." I said to him and he glances back at me.

"For what?" He asked.

"For... the failed attempt to stop your brother from perving on me.. it's the thought that counts." I said with a small smile and Grayson chuckles.

"Your completely right about that." He said sending me a small smile before continuing to go back downstairs.

I pick up my dirty clothes and put them in the basket before going back to my room.

Possible double update, just tryna get y'all hooked on this book to draw your attention away from my absentness in my other books ://////// 

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