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Madison's POV


"Hey" I said to Daniel and he glares at me.

"Daniel please talk to me. I didn't want to hurt you" I exclaimed, following him as he tries to walk away.

"Yeah well you did so go back to slutting around with which ever Dolan it is this week" He said rolling his eyes and my jaw drops.

"Don't say that!" I exclaimed.

"Say what? The truth?? Because its definitely not a lie.. You make out with Ethan .. Fuck Grayson.. Who's next? Cameron? You gonna fuck her too?" He asked 

"I didn't make out with Ethan! He kissed me.  and I'm not fucking Grayson. I'm dating him" I say and he scoffs.

"Yeah right." He said rolling his eyes again and going to class.

I walk in the opposite direction, heading to my class, where I see My brother making out with Vanessa.

"Get a room." I said loudly as I walked past

"You don't have to be a bitch" Vanessa said.

"Yeah. And you don't have to be a lying, backstabbing hoe" I snapped.

I get to class and sit down, annoyed with everyone.

I go throughout the day, sad and really angry about a lot of things.

A lot has been on my mind.

I start walking home when a familiar car pulls up next to me.

"Why's such a beautiful birthday girl like you walking home?" Grayson asked once he rolled down his window.

He remembered.

"I've just been in a sad mood all day" I said with a shrug and he pouts a little.

I hear the car unlock.

"Come on baby, lets make your day better" He said and I smile a little and get into the passenger side.

I sit down and he leans in and kisses me softly.

He pulls away then begins driving again

He grabs my hand.

"How does dinner sound?" He asked me.

"Dinner?" I asked.

"Mhmm." He replied with a small smile.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Like you. And me. At a restaurant, eating" He trailed off and I giggle a little.

"Ok." I said and he smiles.

"But until 8 rolls around, I have other plans for you beautiful" He said and I smile.

"Like...?" I trailed off.

Little Sister// Grayson Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now