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Madison's POV

I lay next to Grayson, it being around 1am and we are just talking and staring at the stars that are visible through the nearly transparent roofy thing.

I fumble the G between my fingers, thinking about how oddly nervous Grayson seemed about me getting it.

I've never gotten anything like that as a present from a guy.

And it made me feel special.

I am quite literally laying on Grayson.. It went from me sitting in his lap to me laying on him. 

He plays with my messy bun, accidentally getting his finger stuck in it.

"Baby I really can't" He said and I giggled a little.

"Grayson you got it in there, surely you can get it out." I said.

"Mads I don't want to hurt you" He said.

"You won't" I replied and he holds my bun with one hand and gently untangles his fingers from the hairs.

He sighs in relief once he was free.

"Its okay" He said, showing me his finger, making me giggle.

I rub my hands up his torso softly, going up his shirt.

I feel slight the slight indents of his abs..

"You can't touch me like that" He said breathily.

I lay my hand flat on him.

I pout

"But I love touching you" I replied.

"Yea and I love your hands on me" He said.

"Soooo whats the issue?" I asked.

"Everywhere your hands go, its like fire trails behind on my skin.  And then you just give this look... And its really sexy.. So when your touching a lot of the body parts you like to touch, its a huuuuuggee turn on and I can't just...." He stops himself.

"What?" I asked smirking..

"We cannot do that just anywhere and everywhere" He said.

"Oh we can't?" I asked.

"No" He said, shaking his head.

"But.. We can do it here" I said tilting my head slightly as my smirk grows.

"But we are in my backyard.. I said it would be good, like romantic and stuff" He said.

"This thingy is romantic." I said looking around, my eyes landing on the flowers.

I smile thinking back to when he stole that flower for me when he was coming over to watch movies.

I lean into him and kiss his lips slowly.

You could hear our lips lightly smacking against eachothers as our kiss grows more intense.

Little Sister// Grayson Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now