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Madison's POV
A few days later

"Should I be there with you?" Grayson asked and I laughed.

"Hell no. He will kill you" I said and he nods in response.

"I know I just didn't know if you needed moral support." He said with a sigh of relief.

"What if he hates me?" I asked.

"He can't hate you your his baby sister. He will for sure hate me though. I mean like I stuck my dick inside of you with no condom. Who does that?!" He exclaimed with a sigh.

I laughed a little.

"Shut up." I said and hugged him 

"Can't we just wait to tell him?" I whined.

"Okay, say we wait. And you start getting bigger. And bigger. And then a person pops out of you. Then what do you do?" He asked.

"Tell him." I respond.

He rolls his eyes.

"Should we tell Ethan first?" I asked worriedly.

"Maybe... That sounds like a safer idea." He said with a nod.

"Okay. Now?" I asked.

"Now sounds good. I mean. We are here." He said. 

We are at his house...

"Okayy..  Get him in here though" I said and he nods and gets up.

He comes back into the room with Ethan.

"Sit down"  Grayson says and pushes Ethan towards the spinny chair and he sits.

He shuts the door.

"Soooo... Whats up?" Ethan asked sounding confused.

"We need to talk" I said, growing nervous.

"About....?" He trailed off sounding confused.

"Well. Um. You see. I am... Pregnant." I say quieter and his eyes widen and he sits quiet for a minute.

"What?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant?" I repeated.

"And who's the daddy?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"Me dumbass" Grayson said rolling his eyes.

"Your fucking kidding me right?" He asked looking between the two of us.

"No. This is for real." I replied.

"Your FUCKING WITH ME RIGHT?" He said getting louder as he stood up.

"Bro chill out." Grayson said standing up.

"No I am not gonna fucking chill out you dumb fuck. I get it. Your together. Your fucking. You 'love eachother' but learn how to wrap your fucking willy before you stick it inside a girl. You are 17 and you have a child on the way." He yelled, knocking the chair over.

"You need to calm down." Grayson said.


"Yes She chose me. Because I didn't treat her like shit. I didn't act like she was some sex toy-" Ethan cuts Grayson off.

"Yes. Grayson .You obviously didn't. Make sure you remember that when your girlfriend is going into labor." Ethan said rolling his eyes.

"I thought you would be more supportive." Grayson said.

"Why the fuck would I support this? What the hell do you have to give this baby? Nothing. You are trying to just raise a baby when you have nothing to give it in the world. what happens when Madison gets kicked out for getting pregnant huh? Do you think mom and dad are just going to let your pregnant girlfriend live in your room with you?" Ethan asked.

"Shut up." Grayson said getting upset.

He's right though.

"I'M TELLING THE TRUTH" Ethan yelled and Grayson shoves him harshly.

"No." Grayson said angrily.

Tears start flowing from my eyes as the boys argued.

"Grayson your 17" Ethan says again.

"I'm not letting her kill an innocent baby" Grayson says.

"Well how are you going to bring a baby into this world when you can't afford to support it.?" Ethan asked and Grayson shoved him again and Ethan stomps out.

"Baby don't listen to him." Grayson says turning towards me.

"But he's right" I replied.

"No. No he's wrong we can do this. It will be alright." He said, sounding like he was trying to convince himself that more than me.

"If that was Ethan's reaction, imagine what Ryan's reaction will be like.." I trailed off, growing super nervous.

"I honestly cannot take another bad reaction today, we can wait to tell him right?" He asked now and I nodded in agreement, burying my face into his chest as he wraps his arms around me.

I sigh into his chest, closing my eyes as I think about how bad this might get.


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