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Madison's POV
I lean up and press my lips to his.

He kisses me back, gripping my hips.

I deepen the kiss, tilting my head and opening my mouth more, his tongue slipping in.

I slide my hands down from his neck and to his shoulders, gripping his shirt.

He keeps his hands on my waist, gradually pulling me closer.

I slide my hands down his chest then pull his shirt up.
We pull apart and I pull his shirt off.

My eyes trail down his body and I pull him back to me, pressing my lips to his again, along with my body against his.

He doesn't really movie his hands from my waist once again.

I pull away and look up to him.

I scoff and walk away, crossing my arms.

"What?!" I hear Grayson ask, sounding confused.

"Nothing I'm just fucking stupid. That's all." I said picking up his shirt and chucking it at him, it hitting him in the chest, him awkwardly catching it.

I lay on my bed, feeling dumb for trying to do anything with Grayson.

"What did I do? Why are you upset?" He asked me walking over, not putting on his shirt.

"I'm upset because I'm stupid to think you even wanted me." I said

He giggles a little and I look over at him, glaring.

"What?" I asked.

"I do want you." He said

"No you don't. If I had been making out with Ethan, he woulda took the chance to get into my pants. You just stood there." I said scoffing.

"I'm not Ethan." He replied simply.

"I know this." He said

"But. That doesn't mean I won't do what you want." He said

"I just want you." I whined.

He crawls ontop of me looking into my eyes.

"Okay." He replied

"Just for tonight." I said and he nods.

He leans in, kissing me like before but a little slower.

I move my hands to his back, pulling his body closer to mine.

His body presses against mine, my legs bent on either side of his waist.

His hand goes down and he plays with the hem of my shirt.

He gently breaks the kiss and sits up, pulling my shirt off of me.

His eyes take down my body, landing on my chest and a small smirk grows on his face as he looks back up to me.

"I wasn't expecting that." He said making me raise an eyebrow at him.

Little Sister// Grayson Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now