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Madison's POV

"Stay for dinner?" Gray asks, smiling slightly as he looks down at me.

"As great as that sounds... I don't think Ethan would be very happy about that" I said as he intertwines our fingers.

"Who cares?!" He asked with a shrug

"It would be awkward Gray" I said and he huffs.

"Okkkaay." He drags out with a pout.

"But don't leave yet!" He exclaimed quickly after.

"Grayson its only 2 pm. It is not near dinner time" I said giggling a little.

"Right." He said with a small smile, a blush appearing on his cheeks.

I wrap my arms around his neck and lean in, pecking his lips.

He smiles bigger.

I walk back to his bed and lay down, yawning.

I desperately want a nap.

"Can we just take a nap?" I asked.

"Sure baby.." He said smiling a little..

I hear a knock on the door

"Yeah?" Grayson asks and the door cracks open.

"Are y'all hungry or anything hun?" Mrs. Dolan  asks .

"Nah mom. We are just gonna take a nap for now" Gray replied and she nods with a small smile.

"Alright." She says and then shuts the door.

Grayson gets under the covers with me after turning off the light and shutting the curtains

He smiles a little and wraps his arms around me.

I bury my face into his chest.

"Hey." Gray whispers quietly, kissing my head gently before gently starting to rub my back.

"Hmmm?" I hum with a small smile, inhaling his scent. 

"I love you." He said and I smile bigger.

I pull away and lean up and kiss him gently.

"I love you." I said in between soft kisses, emphasizing the you.

I rub my nose up against his, my body feeling all warm and fuzzy and my tummy having the butterflies.

My lips graze over his again as I turn my head..

I rub my hands up to his chest gently, I rest my hand on his chest and I could feel his heart racing, as well as mine. 

"I hope this feeling lasts forever." He says quietly making me smile a little more.

"Me too." I replied quietly, neither of us talking loudly because we were so close.

He kisses me softly once more before I bury my head into the crook of his neck and close my eyes to fall asleep.

He holds me close and I was shortly falling into a peaceful sleep.

Grayson's POV

She's been asleep for a little while, and as much as I would love to join her in taking a nap, I just am enjoying this moment right now.

Being cuddled up, next to the girl of my dreams..

Next to the girl I'm literally in love with.

And god damn she is beautiful.

Well I can't see her pretty face right now, because its buried into my neck.

But that doesn't change the fact that she is beautiful.

And she chose to be with ME.


Not Ethan for once.

I mean I get it, she doesn't like being treated like some type of sex toy, and Ethan looks, acts, and talks to her as if she were one half the time.

But.. I never really have girlfriends.

Everytime I catch feelings for a girl, its like she is just using me for sex.

But It really sucks because I don't realize it half the time, its like wow, a girl is looking at me and talking to me and acting like she likes be, but really is just horny.

Which is why they usually ditch me for Ethan.

But Madison is different.

She seems to care about me for real..

And cuddles with me.. and talks to me and jokes around with me.

Sex with her is just a plus.

Sex with her is amazing by the way. ;)

She moves a little and I wrap my arms more around her.

She turns, her body facing away from me now.

I should go to sleep too..

I close my eyes and dip my head down into the crook of her neck, placing a small kiss before tightening my grip slightly and slowly falling to sleep.

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